A critical understanding of Hridroga Nidanas and its present relevance


The global burden of diseases is changing from infectious diseases to non-communicable diseases these days. Among them cardiovascular disease is one which is tremendously increasing in this era. Accounting for 17.3 million deaths per year worldwide. Life style modifications like high caloric intake, alcohol consumption, smoking and stress are the risk factors for cardiovascular disease.  In Ayurveda all those disease come under the heading of “Hridroga”. Acharya Bhela has mentioned   Hridaya as Shirohridaya and Urohridaya. Urohridaya has been accepted in correspondence to circulation of Rasa and Rakta .As for any disease to manifest Nidanas are needed hence understanding   them is important because Nidanaparivarjana is the first line of treatment for any disease. Nidanas such as Vega Dharana, Ushnatikshna Ahara, Chinta and Abhighata leads to manifestation of Hridroga. Along with that Hridaya being mula of Rasavaha and Pranavaha Srotas Mula, Dusthi of those also lead to Hridroga. As there are different sets of Nidanas being explained in classics there is a need for critical understanding hence the present write up is aimed to provide an insight into the concept of Nidanas based on classical references and allied modern literature

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