An Ayurvedic approach in the management of Unexplained Infertility - A Case Study


Infertility is an emerging health problem that has profound socioeconomic and health implication on both the individual and society. Unexplained Infertility is defined as the inability to conceive even after one year with routine investigations of infertility showing no abnormality; with overall incidence of 10-30%. Ayurveda explained female infertility as Vandhyatva and mentioned Garbha Sambhava Samagri (proper union of four factors like fertile period, healthy reproductive system, nutrition and healthy ovum and sperm) and Manasika Abhitapa (psychological and emotional factors) as chief  factors responsible for conception. In this case study patient aged 32 years who was anxious to conceive since four years of regular and satisfactory marital relationship seeking Ayurvedic management in Ahalia Ayurveda Medical College Hospital was taken. On detailed evaluation, vitiation of Vatadosha, loss of appetite, and loss of sleep was noticed. The line of treatment followed in this case was Sadhyo Virechana (Purgation) followed Vatanulomana (pacifies Vata Dosha), Deepana (appetizers), Pachana (digestives), Garbhasthapana (maintaining pregnancy), Rasayana Chikitsa (rejuvinative) with psychological assurance that favours conception in this couple

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