Measuring Temperature Distribution in Steel-Concrete Composite Slabs Subjected to Fire using Brillouin Scattering based Distributed Fiber Optic Sensors


This study investigates temperature distributions in steel-concrete composite slabs subjected to fire using distributed fiber optic sensors. Several 1.2 m × 0.9 m composite slabs instrumented with telecommunication-grade single-mode fused silica fibers were fabricated and subjected to fire for over 3 hours. Temperatures were measured at centimeter-scale spatial resolution by means of pulse pre-pumped Brillouin optical time domain analysis. The distributed fiber optic sensors operated at material temperatures higher than 900 °C with adequate sensitivity and accuracy to allow structural performance assessment, demonstrating their effective use in structural fire applications. The measured temperature distributions indicate a spatially-varying, fire-induced thermal response in steel-concrete composite slab, which can only be adequately captured using approaches that provide high data point density

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