A Molecular Dynamics Study on RAGE-Aβ42 Interaction and the Influence of G82S RAGE Polymorphism on Aβ Interaction


Interaction of amyloid peptides (Aβ) with receptor for advanced glycation end products (RAGE) elicits an inflammatory response and augments Alzheimer's disease (AD) pathology. The present study was aimed to analyse the interactions of different forms of Aβ42 peptide with ligand binding domain of normal and G82S RAGE and their possible consequences in AD pathology. The structures of RAGE ectodomain (3CJJ), monomeric forms of Aβ42 - 1IYT (apolar) and 1Z0Q (polar) and fibrillar (2BEG) were obtained from PDB. The structure of G82 and S82 RAGE was generated using SWISS MODEL. SIFT and PolyPhen analysis was performed to predict the phenotypic and functional effect of the amino acid substitution. The G82 and S82 variant structures were simulated in GROMACS and the 10 lowest energy structures were docked with different forms of Aβ42 using CLUSPRO in antibody mode. The lowest energy docked structure was further simulated for 5 ns. The structures corresponding to 0-5 ns were taken and the amino acid interactions were generated using PDBSUM. SIFT analysis indicated that G82S SNP had a tolerating effect on the structure of protein but polyphen predicted a probable damaging effect. Highest binding score was obtained with 2BEG docked with both G82 RAGE (-375.84 ± 7.425 Kcal/mol) and G82S variant (-391.09 ± 13.391 Kcal/mol) indicating that the fibrillar form showed better interaction. Compared to G82 RAGE, the S82 variant showed better interaction to all three forms of Aβ42. The results of study indicate that RAGE interacted better with fibrillar form of Aβ42 peptide and G82S mutation enhanced the binding affinity of RAGE towards amyloid peptides leading to enhanced inflammatory response

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