Silica microspheres as high-Q microcavities for semiconductor quantum-dot lasers.


We report an experiment where InAs/GaAs self-organized Quantum Dots (QD) are coupled to the evanescent field of very-high-Q Whispering Gallery Modes (WGM) in a silica microsphere. The high performance of these microcavity and nanoemitters allowed to achieve very low threshold (200 \\\\mu W) laser operation at room temperature, involving a few thousands of QD. We show that such a low threshold relies heavily on WGM deconfinement and reconstruction in the micromesa etched in GaAs sample. Next, we present some prospects on further experiments involving various semiconductor nanostructures coupled to microspheres or to silica microtoroids integrated on a Si chip (as recently introduced by K.J. Vahala and coworkers at Caltech)

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