
Dispute resolution methods in South Africa : a case of the Limpopo construction industry


Abstract: The lack of information in the construction industry leads to many disputes during the construction process. Hence this paper investigates the dispute resolution methods used in the Limpopo construction industry. This is with an aim to provide a basis or the understanding of the range of values, attitudes, beliefs and behaviour displayed by these different professional groups involved in the construction process. This paper presents the results of the professional respondents on the dispute resolution methods used in the Limpopo construction industry. This article investigates the common dispute resolution methods used in the Limpopo construction industry. The primary data for the study was collected through a structured questionnaire survey distribution to a sample of 51 professionals from the Limpopo construction industry. Findings revealed that negotiating a win/win situation and knowing other professionals by forging good work relationship can minimise dispute occurrence in construction projects. Mediation and negotiation were found to be preferred and used mostly in the construction industry to resolve disputes. This study adds knowledge on mitigation methods of disputes and dispute resolution methods

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