Effectiveness of Emotional Intelligence Training on the Quality of Life of Mothers of Children with Leukemia


 AbstractBackground and Objectives: Leukemia is highly prevalent among children, and affects the family in addition to the child's life. The present study aimed to assess the effectiveness of training emotional intelligence on the quality of life of mothers of children with leukemia.Materials and Methods: The present quasi-experimental pretest-posttest uncontrolled study was conducted on 35 mothers of children with leukemia selected by convenient sampling from those attending selected hospitals affiliated to Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences. Data were collected using mothers’ and children’s demographic details and the Persian version of Caregiver Quality of Life Index-Cancer questionnaire. Participants were assessed over 4 two-hour educational sessions using group discussion method (5 to 8 people). Two weeks after the intervention, questionnaires were completed by mothers again.Results: The results obtained using paired t and Wilcoxon tests showed significant reductions in the scores of mothers' quality of life two weeks after intervention in disruptiveness, and mental, physical, and financial concern dimensions (P<0.005) and a significant increase in positive adaptation dimension (P<0.005).Conclusion: The results obtained showed that training emotional intelligence skills can improve the quality of life of mothers of children with leukemia. It is therefore recommended that these skills be taught to mothers in order to improve their quality of life.Keywords: Emotional Intelligence, Quality of Life, Mothers, Children, Leukemia

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