Diversification of dietary protein and lipid sources for the development of fish production: The great challenge for its growth


The aquaculture industry is currently the fastest-growing food production sector in the world, with an average growth rate of 8.8% in the last 50 years. Currently, the production of farmed fish that contributes approximately 50% of the fish consumed globally, constituting 16.7% of the animal protein available. This percentage will grow in the coming years as a result of two factors: the stagnation of catches from the natural environment and the increase in per capita consumption of products of marine origin worldwide. Based on the current trend of exploitation of marine resources, some researchers have predicted a collapse of the species that are currently being fished around the year 2050. This is why aquaculture is increasing significantly, thanks to the intensification of the systems of production and the evolution of manufactured diets. This decrease and collapse of the main fisheries worldwide in recent decades has resulted in the supply of fish oil and meal, which are seriously threatened, so its use in aquaculture is increasingly restricted. The lower availability of these inputs has meant that the price has increased considerably in the last decade. To this must be added the increase in demand for human consumption, fish from the catches, and the greater social pressures that question the fishing destined to fishmeal and fish oils for animal feed instead of being destined for direct human consumption, as well as the high demand for highly unsaturated fatty acids that only the aquatic environment provides, mainly through fish oil

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