Life Cycle Assessment of Road. A Pilot Study for Inventory Analysis. Second Revised Edition


This second edition of Life Cycle Assessment of Road is an English translation of the Swedish report 'Livscykelanalys av väg', Swedish Environmental Research Institute (IVL) report B 1210 from 1995. The translation has been performed on behalf of Surrey County Council in England by Anna Eriksson and Lucia Elghali in cooperation with Håkan Stripple at IVL. Based on experiences and comments from the original report some minor changes of the content have also been made. Comments to three subjects have been made: ; Inherent energy content in road surface materials. ; Road lighting and the influence of different road surface materials. ; CO2 uptake in concrete. Table (application of tack coat) and table (inventory data for hot mixed asphalt) in the original report has been replaced due to typing error. The typing errors affect only these tables and not the model or other results.This second edition of Life Cycle Assessment of Road is an English translation of the Swedish report 'Livscykelanalys av väg', Swedish Environmental Research Institute (IVL) report B 1210 from 1995. The translation has been performed on behalf of Surrey County Council in England by Anna Eriksson and Lucia Elghali in cooperation with Håkan Stripple at IVL. Based on experiences and comments from the original report some minor changes of the content have also been made. Comments to three subjects have been made: ; Inherent energy content in road surface materials. ; Road lighting and the influence of different road surface materials. ; CO2 uptake in concrete. Table (application of tack coat) and table (inventory data for hot mixed asphalt) in the original report has been replaced due to typing error. The typing errors affect only these tables and not the model or other results

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