
Scaling of single photon production in hadronic collisions


Scaling of single photon production in pppp and ppβ€Ύp\overline{p} collisions is studied. It is empirically observed the available data scales ∼s/pT5\sim \sqrt{s}/p_T^5 for xT=2pT/s≀0.1x_T=2p_T/\sqrt{s} \leq 0.1 and ∼(s)3.3/pT9\sim (\sqrt{s})^{3.3}/p_T^9 for larger xTx_T. The NLO pQCD predictions for pppp collisions at s\sqrt{s} of 200 and 5500 GeV, relevant for RHIC and LHC energies are seen to closely follow this scaling behaviour. Implications for single photon production in heavy ion collisions are discussed.Comment: 4 pages including 5 figures. Figure 5 changed to include correct two-loop contributions. (Submitted to Eur. Phys. J. C.

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