
Observation of ΔϕΔη\Delta \phi \Delta \eta Scaled Correlation Signals which increase wirh Centrality of Au Au collisions at sNN\sqrt{s_{NN}} = 200 GeV


We show the preliminary charged-particle pair correlation analyses presented in a poster session at the 2006 International Quark Matter Conference in Shanghai China. The correlation analysis space of Δϕ\Delta \phi (azimuth) and Δη\Delta \eta (pseudo-rapidity) are considered as a function of centrality for minimum bias Au + Au collisions in the mid-transverse momentum range in the STAR detector. The analyses involve unlike-sign charge pairs and like-sign charge pairs, which are transformed into charge-dependent (CD) signals and charge-independent (CI) signals. We use a multiplicity scale to compare the different centralities. We find the signals increase with increasing centrality. A model featuring dense gluonic hot spots as first proposed by van Hove predicts that the observables under investigation would have sensitivity to such a substructure should it occur. A blast wave model including multiple hot spots motivates the selection of transverse momenta in the range 0.8 GeV/c<pt< < p_t < 4.0 GeV/c.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures, Poster at 2006 International Quark Matter Conference in Shanghai Chin

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