Analyse des projets et politiques de soutien a l’elevage pastoral en corse


il s'agit d'un type de produit dont les métadonnées ne correspondent pas aux métadonnées attendues dans les autres types de produit : REPORTPastoralism has a high historical and cultural background in Corsica as in many other Mediterranean countries. But for many actors, it is mainly seen as an idealistic image to sell local products with few clear references to real technical and global pastoral systems. Defining a renewed pastoralism in relation to the use of rangelands and natural local resource, with few inputs and enhancing local know-how, and product qualification could be a solution to create new jobs and face the challenges our world will face within the next 20 years (less dependence on cultivated or bought forage or stuffs, to feed more people with less use of not renewable and fossil resources, adaptation to climate changing, ..). The main programming documents and planning edited by the institutional actors were analyzed. Several interviews with public regional or state officials and representatives of professional representatives aimed to identify what are their representations of pastoralism. Presentation and objectives of public action in Corsica are rather favorable to pastoralism. The awareness of the stake holders on the challenges is rather high and the people interviewed have a good reflexivity on the situation although the main objectives are still to improve productivity. But the operational impact of this policy on pastoralism keeps very low and pastoralism keeps a marginal and not really supported production system. Pastoralism today is not really posed as an economically viable option where we should invest. The high financial support dedicated to the livestock sector and agriculture through the 2nd CAP pillar is mainly used to keep rural areas under financial perfusion; the subsidies are not connected with real economy and the administrative conditions do not ease the emergence of really innovative projects or to settle new young breeders. Public policies on livestock are not really connected with policies of social cohesion and territorial development. European Union followed by the regional institutions have enhanced “intelligent specialization” as the basis of their development strategy. For animal production, it will be necessarily based on the valorization of specific resources and in agro ecological perspectives. More resources must be devoted to favor collective intelligence and the concerted commitment with the producers. This sharing will be a source of new knowledge produced between Research, producers and Institution. It will require time. But the challenge proposed here is to reconfigure completely the innovation system of animal production by a rebuild and updated pastoralism. The ways to remunerate pastoralism through the eco systemic services it could provide have to be explored

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