High Speed Low Power Cyclic Redundancy Check-32 using FPGA


Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) is a method used for error detection technique and data integrity. CRC take a block of a message‟s bits and divide it by a binary number called polynomial, the result of this division is the checksum that will be added to the message. On the receiver side, the same division will be performed to get the remainder which could be compared with the transmitted checksum if there are no differences that are mean there are no errors. This paper aims to design CRC32 that applied in the Ethernet frame by using Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) Virtex-7. Lookup tables and slicing-by-16 algorithm are used together to calculate the CRC32 in parallel. Xilinx ISE used as IDE and synthesis tool and I-Sim used for simulation purposes. The result of this design is 1.250 ns which is the processing time and 102.4 Gbps which is the throughput, furthermore the power consumption is very low as well as the device utilization

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