Double Stage Double Output DC–DC Converters for High Voltage Loads in Fuel Cell Vehicles


This article aims to enhance the output voltage magnitude of fuel cells (FCs), since the actual generation is low. The traditional technique is too complicated and has a cascaded or parallel connection solution to achieve high voltage for multiple loads in vehicles. In this case, electronic power converters are a viable solution with compact size and cost. Hence, double or multiple output DC–DC converters with high voltage step up are required to feed multiple high voltage loads at the same time. In this article, novel double stage double output (DSDO) DC–DC converters are formulated to feed multiple high voltage loads of FC vehicular system. Four DSDO DC–DC converters called DSDO L–L, DSDO L-2L, DSDO L-2LC, and DSDO L-2LC are developed in this research work and all the converters are derived based on the arrangement of different reactive networks. The primary power circuitry, conceptual operation, and output voltage gain derivation are given in detail with valid proof. The proposed converters are compared with possible parallel combinations of conventional converters and recently available configuration. Comprehensive numerical simulation and experimental prototype results show that our theoretical predictions are valid and that the configuration is applicable for real time application in FC technologies for ‘more-electric vehicles’

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