
Remarks on modules approximated by G-projective modules


Let RR be a commutative Noetherian Henselian local ring. Denote by modR\mathrm{mod} R the category of finitely generated RR-modules, and by G{\mathcal G} the full subcategory of modR\mathrm{mod} R consisting of all G-projective RR-modules. In this paper, we consider when a given RR-module has a right G{\mathcal G}-approximation. For this, we study the full subcategory rapG\mathrm{rap}{\mathcal G} of modR\mathrm{mod} R consisting of all RR-modules that admit right G{\mathcal G}-approximations. We investigate the structure of rapG\mathrm{rap}{\mathcal G} by observing G{\mathcal G}, G{\mathcal G}^{\bot} and lapG\mathrm{lap}{\mathcal G}, where lapG\mathrm{lap}{\mathcal G} denotes the full subcategory of modR\mathrm{mod} R consisting of all RR-modules that admit left G{\mathcal G}-approximations. On the other hand, we also characterize rapG\mathrm{rap}{\mathcal G} in terms of Tate cohomologies. We give several sufficient conditions for G{\mathcal G} to be contravariantly finite in modR\mathrm{mod} R.Comment: 28 pages, to appear in J. Algebr

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