One investigates the flat phase of quenched disordered polymerized membranes
by means of a two-loop, weak-coupling computation performed near their upper
critical dimension Duc=4, generalizing the one-loop computation of
Morse, Lubensky and Grest [Phys. Rev. A 45, R2151 (1992), Phys. Rev. A 46, 1751
(1992)]. Our work confirms the existence of the finite-temperature,
finite-disorder, wrinkling transition, which has been recently identified by
Coquand et al. [Phys. Rev E 97, 030102 (2018)] using a nonperturbative
renormalization group approach. One also points out ambiguities in the two-loop
computation that prevent the exact identification of the properties of the
novel fixed point associated with the wrinkling transition, which very likely
requires a three-loop order approach.Comment: 8 pages, one figure, published versio