Nitrogen and phosphorus resorption in two wetland macrophytes


Nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) resorption efficiency (RE) and, resorption proficiency (RP) and functional strategies in Schoenoplectus lacustris subsp. tabernaemontani and Typha latifolia occurring in Cernek Lake and Uzun Lake with different nutrient status situated in Bafra town in Central Black Sea Region of Turkey was investigated. Mass-based N and P concentrations during summer (from June to September) in both species were rather higher than those of British, European and American wetland species. However, both N- and P-limitations were found in both species during the sampling period. It has been found that transitional strategy between CS and C strategies (C/CS) was common for the two species, whilst T. latifolia individuals in Cernek Lake exhibited CS strategy. N resorption was incomplete in Cernek and Uzun Lakes in both species. P resorption was complete in Uzun Lake for both species, whereas P resorption was intermediate in Cernek Lake, but more proficient for T. latifolia. Both PRE and PRP in T. latifolia individuals in Cernek Lake were higher than those in Schoenoplectus lacustris subsp. tabernaemontani individuals and this shows that CS species has an efficient internal cycling of P

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