We formulate a version of Baum-Connes' conjecture for a discrete quantum
group, building on our earlier work (\cite{GK}). Given such a quantum group
\cla, we construct a directed family \{\cle_F \} of C∗-algebras (F
varying over some suitable index set), borrowing the ideas of \cite{cuntz},
such that there is a natural action of \cla on each \cle_F satisfying the
assumptions of \cite{GK}, which makes it possible to define the "analytical
assembly map", say μir,F​, i=0,1, as in \cite{GK}, from the
\cla-equivariant K-homolgy groups of \cle_F to the K-theory groups of
the "reduced" dual \hat{\cla_r} (c.f. \cite{GK} and the references therein
for more details). As a result, we can define the Baum-Connes' maps \mu^r_i :
\stackrel{\rm lim}{\longrightarrow} KK_i^\cla(\cle_F,\IC) \raro
K_i(\hat{\cla_r}), and in the classical case, i.e. when \cla is C0​(G) for
a discrete group, the isomorphism of the above maps for i=0,1 is equivalent
to the Baum-Connes' conjecture. Furthermore, we verify its truth for an
arbitrary finite dimensional quantum group and obtain partial results for the
dual of SUq​(2).Comment: to appear in "K Theory" (special volume for H. Bass). A preliminary
version was available as ICTP preprint since the early this yea