Sustainable household water model: Abasan Al-Kabera as a case study


In this study, a viable model at household level is adopted to reuse the grey and stormwater at a household level. Abasan Al-Kabera is studied specifically due to its rural and urban characteristics. The model constitutes of rainwater collection from rooftops of houses as well as graywater reuse in flashing the toilet while the surplus will be injected to the groundwater. The total inflow to the aquifer from storm water accounted for 1,756,875 m3/year out of it 146,060 collected from the rooftops of public buildings and household while the recovery of greywater is 571,536 m3/year. Additionally the estimated return flow from irrigation equals 506220 m3/year. The outflow for domestic and agricultural equals 738,895 and 1,687,400 m3/year, respectively. In conclusion the water balance is achieved, but it requires a proper storm water collection system. Moreover the greywater treatment and reuse systems should be developed and enhanced to guarantee the quality of groundwater recharge

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