We construct representations of a q-oscillator algebra by operators on Fock
space on positive matrices. They emerge from a multiresolution scaling
construction used in wavelet analysis. The representations of the Cuntz Algebra
arising from this multiresolution analysis are contained as a special case in
the Fock Space construction.Comment: (03/11/03):18 pages; LaTeX2e, "article" document class with
"letterpaper" option An outline was added under the abstract (p.1),
paragraphs added to Introduction (p.2), mat'l added to Proofs in Theorems 1
and 6 (pgs.5&17), material added to text for the conclusion (p.17), one add'l
reference added [12]. (04/22/03):"number 1" replace with "term C" (p.9),
single sentences reformed into a one paragraph (p.13), QED symbol moved up
one paragraph and last paragraph labeled as "Concluding Remarks.