
High Energy Scattering on Distant Branes


We consider the elastic scattering of two open strings living on two D-branes separated by a distance rr. We compute the high-energy behavior of the amplitude, to leading order in string coupling, as a function of the scattering angle ϕ\phi and of the dimensionless parameter v=r/(πα′s)v= r/(\pi\alpha^\prime\sqrt{s}) with s\sqrt{s} the center-of-mass energy. The result exhibits an interesting phase diagram in the (v,ϕ)(v,\phi) plane, with a transition at the production threshold for stretched strings at v=1v=1. We also discuss some more general features of the open-string semiclassical world-sheets, and use T-duality to give a quantum tunneling interpretation of the exponential suppression at high-energy.Comment: JHEP class, 18 pages, 8 figure

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    Last time updated on 05/06/2019