Using U-duality, the properties of the matrix theories corresponding to the
compactification of M-theory on Td are investigated. The couplings of the
d+1 dimensional effective Super-Yang-Mills theory to all the M-theory moduli
is deduced and the spectrum of BPS branes in the SYM gives the corresponding
spectrum of the matrix theory.Known results are recovered for dβ€5 and
predictions for d>5 are proposed. For d>3, the spectrum includes dβ4
branes arising from YM instantons, and U-duality interchanges momentum modes
with brane wrapping modes.For d=6, there is a generalised th-angle which
couples to instantonic 3-branes and which combines with the SYM coupling
constant to take values in SL(2,R)/U(1), acted on by an SL(2,Z) subgroup
of the U-duality group E6β(Z). For d=4,7,8, there is an SL(d+1)
symmetry, suggesting that the matrix theory could be a scale-invariant d+2
dimensional theory on Td+1ΓR in these cases, as is already known
to be the case for d=4; evidence is found suggesting this happens for d=8
but not d=7.Comment: 28 Pages, Phyzzx Macro. Minor correction