We suggest a duality invariant formula for the entropy and temperature of
non-extreme black holes in supersymmetric string theory. The entropy is given
in terms of the duality invariant parameter of the deviation from extremality
and 56 SU(8) covariant central charges. It interpolates between the entropies
of Schwarzschild solution and extremal solutions with various amount of
unbroken supersymmetries and therefore serves for classification of black holes
in supersymmetric string theories. We introduce the second auxiliary 56 via
E(7) symmetric constraint. The symmetric and antisymmetric combinations of
these two multiplets are related via moduli to the corresponding two
fundamental representations of E(7): brane and anti-brane "numbers." Using the
CPT as well as C symmetry of the entropy formula and duality one can explain
the mysterious simplicity of the non-extreme black hole area formula in terms
of branes and anti-branes.Comment: LaTeX, 12 pages, no figure