The Ursinus Weekly, October 25, 1948


Ranung and Klein to offer musicale; program to feature folk songs, arias • Fowler, two profs give party views in opening forum • Campus election slated for Wednesday; enthusiasm runs high among students • \u27Y\u27 committees plan numerous activities • Sororities to begin sophomore rushing • Week-end cheerful despite grid loss • Luncheons attended by many ex-coeds • Curtain Club plans show for November presentation • Officers of IRC to attend conference at Penn State • Frosh bear fund reaches $28 in drive to buy new costume • Frosh hold annual banquet with Gene Glick as guest • Chem society begins year; executive committee voted • Ruby will conduct raffle in new subscription drive • Bachelors number 338 as total vets enrollment reaches 423 • Freshman relates experiences abroad • How to make your room inhabitable • Introducing Steve Arvanitis • Gridders to tackle Staten Island team • JVs held scoreless in Hill soccer tilt • Sam Gary tosses four touchdown aerials as Swarthmore wins old timers\u27 battle 24-7 • Seeders calls team for hoop practice • Co-ed JVs extend undefeated record • Lafayette tramples varsity booters 9-0 • Soccer squad clips alumni booters 4-0 • Varsity tripped 2-0 by hockey alumnae • Hayseed fans shine at junior shindig • WSGA names three women to nominating committee • Cub & Key holds first meeting; dinner in Philadelphia planned

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