Bio-Bibliometric Portrait of Dr. Tasawar Hayat, Distinguished Professor of Mathematics


Aim: This article aims to present the bio-bibliometric portrait of the research productivity created by Dr. Tasawar Hayat, a Distinguished Professor of Mathematics at Quaid-e-Azam University, Pakistan. Methodology: The retrospective method has been applied in this study to assess the attributes of bibliographical records of the documents produced by Dr. Hayat. Elsevier’s Scopus database was used to extract the required dataset on the 28th of October 2020. The required features of the dataset of all types of published papers were downloaded for analysis. The five bibliometric indicators of the dataset were evaluated, the publications and citations ratio by year, segregation of documents by subjects, frequently used channels for publications, distribution of research collaboration by country and top-ranked co-authors. Microsoft Excel was used for the tabulated pattern and graphic interpretation, and SPSS software was used to calculate the SEM of publications and citations. Results: A total of 2,374 documents were found on the credit of Dr. Hayat on the data freezing date. Although there has been a fluctuation in the number of papers by year, overall there is a remarkable growth. The impact of quality is reflected by the number of citations that recorded 29.28 citations/doc. In the subject categories, Physics & Astronomy, Engineering and Mathematics were found the favorite areas of research. Results in Physics and Journal of Molecular Liquids are listed in top the two most preferred channels of communication having the impact factor 4.019 and 5.065 with 119 and 105 publications respectively. Pakistan has been on the first ranked in the affiliated country statement of Dr. Hayat and his co-author, followed by Saudi Arabia (n=1921), China (n=704), United States (n=106) and United Kingdom (n=96). Dr. Ahmed Alsaedi of King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia has emerged a strong co-author in more than half of the documents (n=1324; 55.77%). Conclusion: The author with fertile ideas and a creative mindset provide a strong foundation to his profession and affiliated institution. The bio-bibliometric study of the productive scientist encourages the peers and junior to follow in his footsteps. Behind the massive research success of Dr. Hayat, along with his hard work and dedication, the contribution of his co-author is also mattered. But Dr. Hayat has been playing the role of captain for his research team

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