


Many businesses accept various forms of electronic payments for their products and services. Financial institutions play an important role in electronic payment systems, creating and distributing a variety of electronic payment instruments, accepting a similar variety of instruments, processing these payments, and taking part in cleaning systems. However, increasingly, financial institutions are competing with third parties to provide support services for payment systems e-commerce. In electronic payment mechanisms that financial institutions offer e- commerce are the automated clearing houses (ACH ) debit and credit of the Internet, electronic bill payments, electronic checks, money - mail, electronic payments and credit card. I decided to choose E-banking as the topic of my paper for the importance that is taking lately banking system in the world and in our country. Banking has never been so important to our society, as it is in today. Progress in the field of communication technology and computer wide spread of internet has made it possible to conduct more transactions from our homes or offices without having to go to the banking institution to achieve these services, seen as a revolutionary progress in the banking industry. E-banking includes those processes which allow the customer to perform banking transactions electronically without having his physical presence in the banking institution. The purpose of this paper will be that of describing the phenomenon " E-banking " and the identification of key issues specifications and brought its use inside and outside the country. The objectives of this study will be: to give a precise definition of the phenomenon of " E-Banking " and how it has evolved to today, the description of key species which appears E-Banking, and descriptions of the main advantages and disadvantages for each of them, to conduct a study on some of the country's leading banks on the use of e-banking in our country and prospects for the future. Also a main focus is the industry "online- banking" in the future. Which are the risks posed by cybercrime users, and how to protect against them. The research is based in conducting a search to show the impact of the Internet in the improvement of the quality of services in the banking industry, and finally in this paper the purpose is to make a comparison between a traditional bank and a bank that uses the internet. Also this paper will aim to show how the Internet has affected the quality of services. The show has had positive effects on improving the client-service and also has faced risks in the banking system when the client applies e-banking. At the end of the study will draw some conclusions and recommendations regarding this issue

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