Long-term monitoring of tropical moist forest extent (from 1990 to 2019): Description of the dataset


The need for accurate information on the state and evolution of tropical forest types at regional and continental scales is widely recognized, particularly to analyze the forest diversity and dynamics, to assess degradation and deforestation processes and to better manage these natural resources. Here we document the approach that was developed by JRC to map and monitor the extent of moist tropical forests and their changes (degradation, deforestation and regrowth) over the last three decades (1990-2020) at fine spatial resolution (30 m × 30 m). The approach is based on the analysis of each valid observation from the Landsat archive and allows to capture disturbances with a short-duration appearance on satellite imagery such as selective logging, fires, and severe weather events (hurricanes, dryness). This new approach allows characterizing the sequential dynamics of forest cover changes by providing transition stages from the initial observation period to the most recent year (2019 for this report). For the first time at the pantropical scale the occurrence and extent of forest degradation can be documented on an annual basis in addition to the monitoring of deforestation. After a short introduction (chapter 1), this technical report describes the study area (chapter 2), the input data (chapter 3), the method that has been developed (chapter 4), and the outcomes of this study (chapter 5). A discussion is also provided regarding the specificities and added value of the outcomes (chapter 6), and the known limitations and future expected improvements (chapter 7). This new pan-tropical scale deforestation and forest degradation monitoring system will contribute to the EU Observatory on deforestation, forest degradation, changes in the world’s forest cover, and associated drivers, which is an action being implemented in the framework of the Communication from the Commission to step up EU action to protect and restore the World’s forests (COM(2019) 352).JRC.D.1-Bio-econom

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