Prevalence of Nematodes of Domesticated Guinea Fowl in Maiduguri, Nigeria


Abstract:A study was conducted to investigate the prevalence of nematodes of domesticated guinea fowls slaughtered at the Maiduguri central market. Postmortem examinations of 100 samples each of trachea and gastrointestinal tracts revealed an overall prevalence of 90%. Male guinea fowls had a higher prevalence of infection 35.6% compared to the females 64.4% (p >0.05). Parasites identified were Heterakis gallinarum with 20%, Ascaridia galli 6.7%, Subulura brumpti 13.3% Strongyloides avium 11.1% and Capillaria bursata 2.2%. Mixed infections were those by Ascaridia galli and S. avium 15. 6%, H. gallinarum and S. avium 15.6%, H. gallinarum and Subulura brumpti 6.6%, A. galli and H. gallinarum 6.6 % and S. avium and Sub. brumpti and A. galli and Syngamus trachea with 2.2%. These findings indicate that guinea fowls harbor nematodes that are parasitic, and the effect of these parasites on the productivity of the guinea fowls is discussed. Some factors of these parasites are also considered

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