Support for Hardware Devices in Component Models for Embedded Systems


Abstract -With the decreasing costs of electronic parts for embedded systems, complexity of their software has drastically increased. A possible solution for handling this high complexity is component-based development, a branch of software engineering that builds complex software systems out of encapsulated units of software named software components. Component-based approach has proven beneficial in enterprise systems and desktop domains. However, embedded system domain introduces some domain-specific problems (e.g. satisfying safetycriticality, real-time requirements and interaction with environment). Therefore, if we want to use the componentbased approach in embedded systems we must address these problems. In this paper we present an overview of how interaction with environment impacts the use of componentbased approach for embedded systems. We present different ways in which component models can enable us to manage hardware devices and provide examples from existing component models. We also present our research plan that addresses the need to improve how component models enable managing hardware devices. Component-based software enginveering; hardware components; hardware devices; non-functional properties; analysi

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