
ABSTRACT Companies struggle to identify new business opportunities based on their core competence be it products or services. When a company focuses on improving current offerings or is too involved in them, it has difficulty discovering new applications for them. Scenario Graph is an original design method for products or services that aids design teams to envision four types of information while in the market definition phase: potential user locations, activities associated with the location, user circumstances, and the corresponding user state. By using Scenario Graph, design teams are better able to capture new values, scenarios, and behaviors of potential customers. This knowledge captured in the fuzzy front end stage can then be translated into inputs to other Design for X (dfX) tools to improve the definition of the product or service. Another benefit of the tool is that it directs the design team to discover unidentified failure modes of the current offerings by identifying unintended user scenarios. In this paper, a detailed guide, along with case studies demonstrates the usefulness of the tool when applied in the early phase of product or service development. Scenario Graph will assist design teams and managers in discovering new product or service opportunities

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