A Prototype for Translating XQuery Expressions into XSLT Stylesheets


Abstract. The need for a user-friendly query language becomes increasingly important since the introduction of XML. The W3C developed XQuery for the purpose of querying XML data, but XQuery is not available in every tool. Because of historical reasons, many tools only support processing XSLT stylesheets. It is desirable to use tools with XQuery, the design goals of which are, among other goals, to be more human readable and to be less error-prone than XSLT. Instead of implementing XQuery support for every tool, we propose to use an XQuery to XSLT translator. Following this idea, XQuery will be available for all tools, which currently support XSLT stylesheets. In this paper, we propose a translator which transforms XQuery expressions into XSLT stylesheets and we analyze the performance of the translation and XSLT processing in comparison to native XQuery processing

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