Myxomycetes associated with pipevine, a temperate liana


Coelho IL, Stephenson SL 2012 -Myxomycetes associated with pipevine, a temperate liana. Mycosphere 3(2), 245-249, Doi 10.5943 /mycosphere/3/2/8 Pinevine (Aristolochia macrophylla Lam.), a climbing woody vine native to temperate forests of eastern North America, is morphologically similar to many of the lianas characteristic of moist tropical forests. In August 2010, samples of dead pinevine collected from a study site in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park were used to prepare a series of 50 moist chamber cultures. Thirtyseven of the 50 cultures (74%) yielded evidence (either plasmodia or fruiting bodies) of myxomycetes. Fourteen species representing seven genera were recorded, with members of the Trichiales (41% of all records) and Physarales (49% of all records) the most abundant

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