
Anti-invasive effects of curcuminoid compounds from Curcuma aromatica Salisb. on murine colon 26-L5 carcinoma cells


ショウガ科に属する Curcuma aromatica Salisb. の根茎のクロロホルム抽出エキスから,化学構造の明らかな4種のクルクミンおよびその関連化合物:curcumin(CA-1),demethoxycurcumin(CA-2),5\u27-methoxycurcumin(CA-3),bisdemethoxycurcumin(CA-4)を分離した。これらの化合物を用いてマウス結腸癌細胞(colon 26-L5)に対する増殖,基底膜への浸潤,細胞運動に及ぼす効果について検討した。クルクミン(CA-1)とその関連化合物(CA-2,3 および4)は,細胞に対して傷害性を示さない10μMの濃度において,マウス結腸癌細胞の基底膜への浸潤を抑制した(それぞれ22.8,28.9,10.3および62.0%の抑制率)。この癌細胞の運動能に対しても同様の抑制効果が観察された。これらのクルクミン関連化合物の中で,CA-4は強い抑制活性を持ち,癌細胞の浸潤および運動能に対して濃度依存的な抑制効果を示した。このように,クルクミン関連化合物の芳香族環のhydroxyl基およびmethoxyl基が癌細胞の浸潤活性の発現と関係している可能性が示唆された。 Bioassay-directed fractionation of the active chloroform extract from the rhizomes of Curcuma aromatica Salisb. (Zingiberaceae) led to the isolation of four main curcuminoid constituents: curcumin (CA-1), demethoxycurcumin (CA-2), 5\u27-methoxycurcumin (CA-3) and bisdemethoxycurcumin (CA-4). This is the first report to describe the isolation of CA-3 from C. aromatica. The chemical structures of these compounds were determined on the basis of spectral analysis and their inhibitory effects on the proliferation, invasion and migration of murine colon 26-L5 adenocarcinoma cells were evaluated in vitro. Curcumin and its analogues (CA-2, 3 and 4), at the non-cytotoxic concentration of 10μM, inhibited the invasive ability of colon 26-L5 cells to the ranges of 22.8, 28.9, 10.3 and 62.0%, respectively. A similar effect of these constituents on the migration of colon 26-L5 cells was also observed. Among these curcuminoids, CA-4 showed the strongest activities, inhibiting both tumor cell invasion and migration in a concentration-dependent manner

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