2,273 research outputs found

    [[alternative]]Integrated Design and Fabrication of Universal Series Bus and Intelligent Print Controller of a Braille Printer

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    [[alternative]]Radial Force Control of Switched Reluctance Motors(I)

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    [[alternative]]To the Vibration Suppression and Print Control in Designing and Manufacturing the Transportation System of a Braille Printer

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    [[abstract]]本研究主要討論大學粉絲專頁中,訊息與情緒反應之間的關係,以及何種情緒容易刺激粉絲產生參與和 分享。根據S-O-R模型與粉絲專頁所提供的功能分類,提出一套模型,測試訊息、情緒和互動三者之間 的關係。本研究樣本取自全球粉絲數量最多的大學機構,抓取所有文章,以及對應的粉絲回應數量與內 容,共計13,006則訊息。最終揭示粉絲行為與訊息形式具備相互影響關係,而且粉絲人數越多的大學機 構,明顯會善用訊息情緒引發有效互動,提升粉絲對於內容的留言與分享行為,進而刺激更高的內容自 然觸及率。[[notice]]補正完

    [[alternative]]The Novel Micro Pump Using in Implanted Biosensing System(I)

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    計畫編號:NSC94-2212-E032-013研究期間:200508~200607研究經費:886,000[[abstract]]本二年期研究計畫「應用於留置針型生醫感測系統之新型微型液體驅動器」,計 畫主持人基於先前參與過經濟部學界科專計畫「先進無線生醫保健監測系統之開發」 的經驗,深感於生醫系統中液體驅動之迫切需求,故著手進行本新型液體驅動器微 幫浦計畫之技術開發。 本計畫擬使用淡江大學的「聚對二甲苯」(parylene)微機電低溫製程技術,製作 新型微液體驅動器。致動原理擬採用「熱挫曲」方式,亦即加熱parylene 封閉式薄 膜,在升溫數十度C 的範圍使之產生熱挫曲大變形,配合無閥式微流道的設計,進 行微流道中液體的單向傳輸。 第一年計畫,以實體研製「熱挫曲」「聚對二甲苯」新型微幫浦為研究目標,包 括以下工作細節:parylene 熱挫曲式微幫浦之結構尺寸設計、parylene 薄膜熱挫曲理 論與有限元素ANSYS 分析、parylene 熱挫曲式微幫浦之製程設計、以及微幫浦之驅 動測試等。 第二年計畫,預定發展高階之新型微幫浦整合技術,包括以下工作細節:探討 多重微幫浦的串聯與並聯性能、探討parylene 熱挫曲式微幫浦之材料製程生醫相容 性問題、將微機電溫度與壓力感測器加入微幫浦系統、將微幫浦上整合進入無線生 醫傳輸晶片模組中、以及嘗試加入熱挫曲微閥等。[[sponsorship]]行政院國家科學委員

    Research of the Japanese Youkai Culture in Animation

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    [[abstract]]In recent years, the creative industry has become one of the main trends for the country development in Asia; In Japan, traditional culture is a quite popular subject in animation films. One by one, after the creative thoughts from animation artists, lots of trational legend or folk stories became the main content in animation stories. To compare with other subjects in animation, traditional legend and folk story usually obtain more approval and support by the audience. In this case, the recreation of traditional culture can bring high value and profit, and to be the main direction, in the competition of animation industry developments in Asian countries. The folk believes in Taiwan is one of the features in tradition. It ’s easy to have response from Taiwanese audience with the kind of subject. With the complexity of historical background, there is a lot of culture varieties mixed together in Taiwan; which includes Chinese, Japanese South Asia and aboriginal cultures. Lots of god and sprits legends are very brilliant, which can become good creative elements. This dissertation mainly analyses Youkai culture subject in Japanese animations, and with further discussions about how to decorate the traditional story with creativity. At last analyse the reason of succeed in Japanese Youkai animation characteristics. The research introduces and exhaustive analysis to Youkai animation, and wish can be helped in future direction and concept for Taiwan, and those countries in Asia , who are in hurry to develop animation industry.

    [[alternative]]Analysis and Design of Linear Motor Driven Braille Printer

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    [[alternative]]Desing and Manufactering of The Two-wheeled Transporter(I)

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    計畫編號:NSC93-2218-E032-004研究期間:200408~200507研究經費:639,000[[abstract]]本研究的主要目的是著重在兩輪自走車的機構設計與實作,兩輪自走車包括平衡系統的設計與製作,驅動元件的評估與選用,輪胎選用與傳動設計及機電整合設計與製作,使其功能操作能達到簡易化,人性化之目的。 兩輪自走車之設計,首先將從電腦輔助機構設計著手,建立兩輪自走車模型,並且配合有限元素分析(FEM)軟體(ANSYS)以求解結構及機械元件之應力,應變及位移等工程問題,以提供對機械元件尺寸與外型之最佳化,朝向最優化設計概念,以提高自走車承載能力,最後再以動態分析軟體(ADAMS)模擬自走車之運動狀態,再以分析模擬結果來進行兩輪自走車機構雛形之零組件加工、組裝和測試。 在研究中將配合人工智慧的應用,使兩輪自走車在已知的環境中能維持平衡,進而在上下坡面或崎嶇的道路上行走,也能保持平衡,以達到無人控制之自主運動能力為目的。未來將延伸研究成果到商業價值較大之人員承載或行走輔助功能,以提高商業化價值。而在計畫進行中更將密切配合其他子計畫之研究進度與成果,進行設計改善與驗證,最後再完成系統整合。[[sponsorship]]行政院國家科學委員