28,349 research outputs found


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    Information and Communication Technologies and Informal Scholarly Communication: A Review of the Social Oriented Research

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    This article reviews and analyzes findings from research on computer mediated informal scholarly communication. Ten empirical research papers, which show the effects and influences of information & communication technologies (ICTs), or the effects of social contexts on ICTs use in informal scholarly communication, were analyzed and compared. Types of ICTs covered in those studies include e-mails, collaboratories, and electronic forums. The review shows that most of the empirical studies examined the ICTs use effects or consequences. Only a few studies examined the social shaping of ICTs and ICT uses in informal scholarly communication. Based on comparisons of the empirical findings this article summarizes the ICT use effects/consequences as identified in the studies into seven categories and discusses their implications


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    土石流災害發生受到降雨的強度和空間變異性影響。因此,了解降雨的空間變異性特性是土石流減災的先決條件。在本研究中,針對不同降雨類型使用地理統計進行降雨空間變異特性分析,分別對夏季對流雨、颱風、梅雨和冬季鋒面雨進行分析,選取較適合的降雨空間變異特性。結果發現夏季對流雨的影響範圍最小 (約55 公里),代表其空間變異大,而其他三種降雨類型影響範圍較大 (約69 公里) 則空間分布較均勻。因此,在研究中建議以夏季對流雨的空間變異特性,進行台北市雨量站網的評估。The intensity and spatial variability of storm rainfalls play an essential role in occurrences of debris flows. Thus, understanding and characterizing the spatial variability of storm rainfalls is a prerequisite for debris flows mitigation. In this study, we investigate the spatial variabilities of rainfalls induced by different storm types using geostatistics. Summer convective storms are found to exhibit higher degree of rainfall spatial variability than typhoons, Mei-Yu and winter frontal systems. The semi-variogram of hourly rainfalls of convective storms was then used to assist in evaluation and augmentation of an existing raingauge network in Taipei

    [[alternative]]Analysis of Earing in Deep Drawing Process of Metal Sheet

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    [[abstract]]本研究目的在探討:國中體育教師的不同背景變項與心理資本之差異情形。本研究以桃園縣57所縣立國中體育教師321名為研究對象,採用問卷式調查法並以「心理資本量表」作為測量工具。資料收集後,採用描述性統計、獨立樣本 t 檢定、單因子變異數分析及Scheffe 法事後比較等統計方法。根據研究結果顯示國中體育教師在年齡、教學年資及婚姻狀況與心理資本呈現顯著差異性;而在性別及最高學歷上則無明顯差異性。總言之,國中體育教師會因年齡成長,在正向的心理層面也逐漸趨於成熟而有良好的教學態度及處事之道。[[booktype]]電子

    [[alternative]]A Study of the Identification of Mathematics Learning Disabled Students and Their Learning Problem, Pressure in Elementary School-The Application of Multivariate Statistics Method

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    The Spatial Analysis of Betel Nut Plantation Hot Spots in the Upper Shui-Li Creek Watershed

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    This study investigated the spatial distribution of BNP hot spots in the upper Shui-Li Creek watershed. Two spatial autocorrelation methods, Moran’s I and G statistics, were selected for analyzing the spatial cluster of BNPs with different grid sizes. The results show that spatial autocorrelation analysis can indeed discover BNP hot spots in this watershed. The strength and significance of spatial dependence can be easily compared and monitored. For the global spatial autocorrelation analysis, both Moran’s I and G statistics values are positive with whole different grid sizes and statistically significant (p<0.05). This means that the BNPs in study areas obviously have the characteristics of positive spatial autocorrelation. Furthermore, with the increase of the grid size, the value of Moran’s I decreases, but the value of G statistics increases.本研究調查水里溪上游集水區中檳榔園熱點的空間分佈,藉由Moran’s I 及G statistics 空間自相關方法,識別出在不同網格大小下檳榔園的空間聚集情況。結果顯示,空間自相關分 析方法確實能識別出研究區內的檳榔園熱點,且空間相依性的強度及顯著性可以容易地被比較 及驗證。在全域空間自相關分析部分,Moran’s I 與G statistics 係數二者在不同網格尺寸下皆呈 現正值,且達統計顯著性 (p<0.05),表示檳榔園區塊具有空間正相關。此外,隨著網格尺寸愈 大,Moran’s I 係數值呈現遞減,而G statistics 係數值則呈現出遞增