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    The Phonetics-Phonology Interface of the Paiwan Dialects- Establishing the Voice Corpus (II)

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    面對臺灣原住民語言急速流失的現狀, 語言學界對於臺灣排灣語語音及音韻描述或分析的研究相對地稀少。至於語音現象如何影響音韻系統、音韻系統如何在語音層次上被驗證, 語音及音韻的介面研究, 迄今仍相當匱乏。 然而,語音音韻的介面研究, 對於語音保存、田野調查的實務性,及語言學的專業學術研究, 都有其存在的必要性。若無基礎語音音韻系統研究的探討, 對於所紀錄的語音資料, 是否能成為忠實的田野調查紀錄, 可以存疑。本研究聚焦於排灣語方言, 以聲學語音學(Acoustics Phonetics)及實驗音韻學(Laboratory Phonology)的理論與方法提供一些科學的証據,瞭解更多語音音韻介面的現象,這些現象又反過來修正或重新詮釋描述語言學(Descriptive Linguistics) 及音韻學理論(Phonological Theories)的研究成果。本計劃的首要目標在於整合語音實驗室與田野調查所建構的語音資料庫, 一方面忠實紀錄並補充方音的差異, 一方面探討語音資料庫建立過程中語音音韻的互動現象。建立排灣語語音資料庫及整合語音資料庫與語音實驗室不僅能彙整與驗證語音差異、進行各方言的區別音位建構, 更能提供語言學田野調查方法上新的蒐集語料模式; 語音資料庫在學術上,亦可作為進一步語言學研究的題材。表The project investigates the Phonetics-Phonology interface of the Paiwan dialects, based on the under construction voice corpus and the varieties from Sandimen, Majia, Taiwu, Gulou, Shimen, and Mudan villages in Pingtung County, as well as Dawu and Taimali dialects in Taitung County. The majority of field reports on Formosan languages give rather minimal details on their phonetic, phonological, and prosodic properties, usually one or two lines of vague description, not to mention the number of field reports on Formosan languages is rather small. The project addresses questions related to the evolution of language within the Paiwan dialect speech communities and the development of language within the individual speaker. In the present project, the interaction between phonetic variation and phonological distinctive features will be dealt with, and the principles and the methodology in Laboratory Phonology and Acoustic Phonetics will be used to verify the existing field notes in descriptive linguistics or adjust the phonological theories.Eight dialects of Paiwan, including Northern, Central, Southern, and Eastern varieties of Paiwan, will be studied. The speech styles such as word lists, phrases, sentences, stories, and spontaneous speech will be collected in the field and served as the voice corpus in the phonetic laboratory for measurements and further empirical studies. The second goal of the project is to harness the professional software of acoustic analysis and speech technologies to aid in the collection of field data. While constructing the voice corpus, it is hoped that a portable phonetic laboratory is accessible to the recording and analyzing tasks in the Paiwan voice data. The present project draws evidence from the field data and proposes an account for the interaction between phonetic variance and phonological invariance among the Paiwan dialects.The most significant contribution of the current project will be the construction of the voice corpus and the interface study of the segments and suprasegmentals in the Paiwan dialects, which has never been done in any earlier field report or project. The preservation of the phonetic voice data of the Paiwan dialects will help researchers understand more about the dialects and the language


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    過往一直有不少音韻研究指出合口介音的消失是漢語方言發展的普遍現象,屬東南方言的閩語亦是其中一例,可惜閩系方言的開合口演變情況鮮為人所提及。本文把前人探討北方方言合口音消失的調查方法用到閩語裡,比較閩方言中不同分支對合口音的保留情況。閩語主要可分為四個支流,是為閩東、閩北、閩南以及粵東閩語。本文在各個分支中選取了代表地區,前三個分支的代表方言點分別為建甌、福州和廈門。而由於粵東閩語的內部差異是本文的討論重點,故是次調查共選取了三個在今音上有口音差異的地區以便比較分析,這些地區為汕頭、揭陽、潮陽和海豐。漢語方言合口音消失較多表現在的果攝、蟹攝、止攝、山攝、臻攝、宕攝和曾攝,本文從當中的六攝中選取了合共十個韻部中的例字,對閩東、閩北及閩南的代表地區今音做了例字記音表,並比較分析記音結果。記音結果發現,閩東地區對合口音的保留較其他地區的閩語齊全。此外,我們從是次記音亦看見一些閩方言的語音特色。 又,粵東閩語的韻母存在很多的內部差異,當中包括了數個合口介音的韻母。本文將分析及闡述這些合口韻的在韻腹及韻尾的差異,嘗試探討粵東閩語的存古情況

    The Application of Borehole Hydrogeological Investigation for Assessing Landslide Susceptibility

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    On the basis of 49 borehole studies at the mid- and upper-stream of the Dajia and Jhuoshuei river basins, landslide occurrence was found to not only be related to subsurface geological composition and hydrogeological characteristics, but also to groundwater level dynamics, which have seldom been addressed in previous works. It is suggested that the interplay between hydrogeologic and landslide factors be given further consideration in future investigations. This would be a crucial step towards effective disaster prevention for mountainous regions in Taiwan.本研究主要係嘗試透過孔內水文地質調查結果,評估大甲溪與濁水溪流域地表下岩層的地質材料特性、水力特性、地下水與集水區山崩潛勢之關聯性。過去研究較少針對崩塌地進行現地水文地質調查與試驗,本研究根據49處試驗場址成果顯示,水文地質特性與山崩的潛勢、滑動深度,以及地下水位有一定程度之關聯性。本研究建議進行調查區域的水文地質特性,以及各促崩因子所造成的山崩的易損性,係各類型山崩災害分析與潛勢評估之重要的研究各題,亦可提供相關台灣災害防治之參考


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    This study focused on channel responses one and a half years after dam removal in the Chijiawan Creek and proposed a channel evolution model based on analyses of hydrology, morphology, and images. Channel adjustment is highly influenced by the distance between the dam and the headcut erosion. We defined nine and six stages of the channel evolution model for the upstream and downstream reach, respectively, according to the cross sections 48 m upstream and 30 m downstream from the dam. It took a couple of minutes to reach stage B (main channel migration) and one year or so to reach stage E3 (widening and continued incision). As Chijiawan Creek has not reached the quasi-equilibrium state, stage F’, we suggest that the establishment of a long-term channel evolution model is critical for in-situ monitoring.為探究七家灣溪一號壩拆壩後達到準平衡階段之河道演變模式,本研究蒐集水文、地形與影像資料,分析拆壩後一年半之河道演變情形,做為建立長期河道演變模式之基礎。七家灣溪之河道調整程度和距壩遠近與溯源侵蝕有關。本研究根據壩上游48 m 處與下游30 m 處斷面,分別定義上下游九個與六個河道演變階段。在時間尺度上,上游河道進入階段B(主河道調整) 僅需數分鐘、進入階段E3(河道拓寬並持續下切) 需1~2 年、而準平衡階段F’尚未達到,因此以此研究所建立之河道演變模式為基礎,持續監測未來七家灣溪達到準平衡階段之過程有其必要

    翻譯與殖民管治 : 早期香港史上的雙面譯者高和爾 (1816-1875) = Translation and colonial rule : Daniel Richard Caldwell (1816-1875), the duplicitous translator in early Hong Kong history

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    由於殖民者與被殖民者存在著語言上的隔閡,翻譯往往在殖民管治中扮演十分重要的角色。1842年割讓為英國殖民地的香港,在開埠之初便面對著嚴重的管治問題,其中一個主要原因是港英殖民政府缺乏可堪信賴的雙語人才,能夠處理好殖民者與被殖民者的溝通。本文為一龐大研究計劃「翻譯與香港殖民管治」的部分,透過整理大量原始資料及檔案,重點討論香港開埠初期港英政府裏的一名譯員高和爾(Daniel Richard Caldwell, 1816-1875)。他背景複雜,身份特殊,精通多種語言,儘管最初只是一名寂寂無名的法庭傳譯員,但卻做到法庭沒有他便沒法開庭審案的局面,最終更擢升總登記官以及首任撫華道之職,且遊走於正邪之間,既與上流社會保持密切關係,又跟汪洋海盜相往來。本文分析港英殖民管治初期的特殊政治、文化及語言時空,並闡述作為獨特個案的高和爾,怎樣發揮特殊功能,作出重大的貢獻,也產生深遠影響

    台2線 68K 八斗子滾石災害致災成因初探

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    基隆市北寧路於2013 年8 月31 日下午發生高強度降雨事件 (最高達94.5 mm/hr),並導致台2 線68K+000 處於當日16 時19 分左右發生落石擊毀小客車之意外。本次落石災害之發生區屬於大寮層中段塊狀砂岩,且為逆向坡之型態,現地調查結果顯示本區域具有兩組傾角近乎垂直之節理面,一組走向約略平行於海岸線,另一組走向則約略垂直於海岸線。致災成因可能與長期雨水入滲及風化作用有關,節理裂隙除因風化作用逐漸加大外,節理面上之含鐵質結核亦可能於風化後體積增加,進而加速節理開裂速度。本次落石災害之運動歷程大致可分為傾倒、滾動、墜落、彈跳、滾動等數段歷程,落石運動過程耗時約23 秒,移動路徑上之植被與風化土壤層可能為遲滯落石運動之主因。本文將說明此次災害之地質調查成果,並探討可能之破壞機制,以供未來類似災害之防治對策參考。Several rockfalls caused damages on Highway No.2 during an intensive rainfall on August 31, 2013, in Keelung. One of the rockfalls hit a car and the event was captured by a camera. This study analyzes the mechanism of the rockfall based on the video and field investigation. Two major joints which led to the hazard, one was parallel to the coast and the other was perpendicular to the coast. Both of them were almost vertical and cut the rock into several blocks. Weathering processes may have lead to the extension of joints during the heavy rainfall; the infiltration and the surface runoff took the weathered material away, making the rock unable and ultimately leading to the rockfall. The process of this hazard can be divided into topple, roll, fall, bounce and roll. The rockfall took about 23 seconds in total. This paper focuses on the results of field investigation and the mechanism of the rockfall is also discussed

    嶺暉 (第112期)

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    選擇合宜的植物種類是植生復育的關鍵第一步,利用新興的物種分布模擬 (SDM) 將有助於正確選擇樹種及確定適宜生育地以提供科學決策。本文以臺灣赤楊為例,使用免費易得的全球生物多樣性資訊機構(GBIF) 物種資料庫、最大熵 (MaxEnt) 物種分布軟體進行其生育地適宜度分析,結果顯示預測模型之準確度評估屬於良好等級 (AUC = 0.842),所得之預測出現機率可加以繪製臺灣赤楊之生育地適宜度 (HSI) 分布圖,經9 處崩塌地鄰近區域植群調查資料驗證十分吻合,同時本文對未來物種分布模擬尚待解決之相關議題加以討論,期使本地原生植物在水土保持植生復育中更具科學基礎與發揮其應用潛力。Selecting appropriate species is the first key step for vegetation rehabilitation. Novel species distribution modeling (SDM) can assist in making scientific decisions to support species selection and predict suitable habitat. In this paper, we combine the open-access Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) database and MaxEnt modeling software to predict Alnus formorsana distribution. The results reveal that the accuracy assessment of our model is good within an area of 0.842 according to the receiver operating characteristic curve. We transform the predicted occurrence probability, through ArcGIS, to map the habitat suitability index (HSI) of Alnus formorsana that approximately corresponds with the observed vegetation in 9 nearby landslide areas. Based on our findings, we discuss the future challenges related to SDM. The proposed approach can be used in the future to facilitate proper application of native plants in soil and water conservation


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    長者學習研究計劃2011-2012 : 計劃介紹及教材冊

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    有見長者的學歷及學習能力日高,長者的需求亦有所不同,對長者需求的研究實是需要的。加上部份長者表示希望參與較高層次的學習活動及貢獻社會,故嶺南大學服務研習處舉辦長者學習研究計劃2011-2012,培訓長者成為研究人員,期望由長者的角度出發,為長者學習 的長遠發展作出研究及提出建議。 計劃目標: • 培養長者對學術研究的興趣; • 提供研究技巧培訓課程; • 分析學苑現有課程的成效; • 探討長者學習的政策及制定長遠發展方向; • 透過長幼參與研究計劃,增加兩代溝通,促進跨代共融。 本手冊收錄了有關計劃詳情以及課程教材。https://commons.ln.edu.hk/osl_book/1002/thumbnail.jp