1,106 research outputs found

    香港嶺南中學擴建校舍籌款畫展 (場刊) = Art Exhibition in aid of The Lingnan Middle School Building Fund (Catalogue)

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    嶺南大學留港同學會與香港嶺南中學校董會於1955年11月期間決定擴建校舍、增辦高中部,並組織擴校籌建委員會,發動募捐及著手建築新校舍事宜。擴校籌建委員會募捐籌得二十七萬餘元,並獲香港政府貸款三十萬元,故擴建計劃順利進行,中學部新校舍於翌年如期竣工,舊校舍亦進行內部改建,煥然一新。學生人數倍增、學校需求遞增,唯擴校貸款仍有待籌措歸還,故學校與多位畫家合作,義展其傑作籌款。 「香港嶺南中學擴建校舍籌款畫展」於1957年11月1日至4日假香港萬宜大廈舉行。慷慨參展的畫家共二十五位:丁衍鏞、司徒衛、司徒奇、李研山、李鳳公、李錫彭、呂燦銘、呂壽琨、何漆園、周一峰、容漱石、張君實、張韶石、陳池秀、馬笑如、梅與天、曾景文、黃潮寬、楊善深、靳微天、趙少昂、鄧芬、鄭絅裳、鄭耀鼎、鮑少游,義展中西畫作共235幀,籌募擴建校舍經費。畫展獲時任香港總督葛量洪爵士伉儷親臨主禮,督憲夫人剪綵開幕,赴會參加者眾、訂畫者踴躍,盛況空前、收穫美滿。畫展委員會為是次畫展印製精美目錄,羅列參展畫家小傳及其畫作。https://commons.ln.edu.hk/lingnan_history_bks/1030/thumbnail.jp

    Lingnan College annual report : 1997-1998 = 嶺南學院年報 : 1997-1998

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    The Troubles about Japan’s Borrowing of the Masterpieces of Ancient Paintings from China for the Grand Exhibition in 1928

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    Between 24th November and 20th December, 1928, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan and the Ministry of the Imperial Household (宮内省, Kunai-shō) held the exhibition of masterpieces of Tang, Song, Yuan and Ming dynasties at Tokyo Metropolitan Art Gallery and Tokyo Imperial Household Museum. This article is going to use the archives, the catalogue of the exhibition, relative critical articles, and the group list of exhibitors, etc., which preserved in the Diplomatic Archives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, on purpose to investigate the twists and turns of the exhibition of famous ancient Chinese paintings. In addition, this article also sorts out the history of the viewing, research and transfer of The Thirteen Emperors Scroll attributed to Yan Liben (c.600-673).陶徳民教授古稀記念