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    選擇合宜的植物種類是植生復育的關鍵第一步,利用新興的物種分布模擬 (SDM) 將有助於正確選擇樹種及確定適宜生育地以提供科學決策。本文以臺灣赤楊為例,使用免費易得的全球生物多樣性資訊機構(GBIF) 物種資料庫、最大熵 (MaxEnt) 物種分布軟體進行其生育地適宜度分析,結果顯示預測模型之準確度評估屬於良好等級 (AUC = 0.842),所得之預測出現機率可加以繪製臺灣赤楊之生育地適宜度 (HSI) 分布圖,經9 處崩塌地鄰近區域植群調查資料驗證十分吻合,同時本文對未來物種分布模擬尚待解決之相關議題加以討論,期使本地原生植物在水土保持植生復育中更具科學基礎與發揮其應用潛力。Selecting appropriate species is the first key step for vegetation rehabilitation. Novel species distribution modeling (SDM) can assist in making scientific decisions to support species selection and predict suitable habitat. In this paper, we combine the open-access Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) database and MaxEnt modeling software to predict Alnus formorsana distribution. The results reveal that the accuracy assessment of our model is good within an area of 0.842 according to the receiver operating characteristic curve. We transform the predicted occurrence probability, through ArcGIS, to map the habitat suitability index (HSI) of Alnus formorsana that approximately corresponds with the observed vegetation in 9 nearby landslide areas. Based on our findings, we discuss the future challenges related to SDM. The proposed approach can be used in the future to facilitate proper application of native plants in soil and water conservation


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    土石流災害發生受到降雨的強度和空間變異性影響。因此,了解降雨的空間變異性特性是土石流減災的先決條件。在本研究中,針對不同降雨類型使用地理統計進行降雨空間變異特性分析,分別對夏季對流雨、颱風、梅雨和冬季鋒面雨進行分析,選取較適合的降雨空間變異特性。結果發現夏季對流雨的影響範圍最小 (約55 公里),代表其空間變異大,而其他三種降雨類型影響範圍較大 (約69 公里) 則空間分布較均勻。因此,在研究中建議以夏季對流雨的空間變異特性,進行台北市雨量站網的評估。The intensity and spatial variability of storm rainfalls play an essential role in occurrences of debris flows. Thus, understanding and characterizing the spatial variability of storm rainfalls is a prerequisite for debris flows mitigation. In this study, we investigate the spatial variabilities of rainfalls induced by different storm types using geostatistics. Summer convective storms are found to exhibit higher degree of rainfall spatial variability than typhoons, Mei-Yu and winter frontal systems. The semi-variogram of hourly rainfalls of convective storms was then used to assist in evaluation and augmentation of an existing raingauge network in Taipei

    台2線 68K 八斗子滾石災害致災成因初探

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    基隆市北寧路於2013 年8 月31 日下午發生高強度降雨事件 (最高達94.5 mm/hr),並導致台2 線68K+000 處於當日16 時19 分左右發生落石擊毀小客車之意外。本次落石災害之發生區屬於大寮層中段塊狀砂岩,且為逆向坡之型態,現地調查結果顯示本區域具有兩組傾角近乎垂直之節理面,一組走向約略平行於海岸線,另一組走向則約略垂直於海岸線。致災成因可能與長期雨水入滲及風化作用有關,節理裂隙除因風化作用逐漸加大外,節理面上之含鐵質結核亦可能於風化後體積增加,進而加速節理開裂速度。本次落石災害之運動歷程大致可分為傾倒、滾動、墜落、彈跳、滾動等數段歷程,落石運動過程耗時約23 秒,移動路徑上之植被與風化土壤層可能為遲滯落石運動之主因。本文將說明此次災害之地質調查成果,並探討可能之破壞機制,以供未來類似災害之防治對策參考。Several rockfalls caused damages on Highway No.2 during an intensive rainfall on August 31, 2013, in Keelung. One of the rockfalls hit a car and the event was captured by a camera. This study analyzes the mechanism of the rockfall based on the video and field investigation. Two major joints which led to the hazard, one was parallel to the coast and the other was perpendicular to the coast. Both of them were almost vertical and cut the rock into several blocks. Weathering processes may have lead to the extension of joints during the heavy rainfall; the infiltration and the surface runoff took the weathered material away, making the rock unable and ultimately leading to the rockfall. The process of this hazard can be divided into topple, roll, fall, bounce and roll. The rockfall took about 23 seconds in total. This paper focuses on the results of field investigation and the mechanism of the rockfall is also discussed

    The Application of Borehole Hydrogeological Investigation for Assessing Landslide Susceptibility

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    On the basis of 49 borehole studies at the mid- and upper-stream of the Dajia and Jhuoshuei river basins, landslide occurrence was found to not only be related to subsurface geological composition and hydrogeological characteristics, but also to groundwater level dynamics, which have seldom been addressed in previous works. It is suggested that the interplay between hydrogeologic and landslide factors be given further consideration in future investigations. This would be a crucial step towards effective disaster prevention for mountainous regions in Taiwan.本研究主要係嘗試透過孔內水文地質調查結果,評估大甲溪與濁水溪流域地表下岩層的地質材料特性、水力特性、地下水與集水區山崩潛勢之關聯性。過去研究較少針對崩塌地進行現地水文地質調查與試驗,本研究根據49處試驗場址成果顯示,水文地質特性與山崩的潛勢、滑動深度,以及地下水位有一定程度之關聯性。本研究建議進行調查區域的水文地質特性,以及各促崩因子所造成的山崩的易損性,係各類型山崩災害分析與潛勢評估之重要的研究各題,亦可提供相關台灣災害防治之參考


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    本文擬從長期的資料著手,首先以產業內貿易指數觀察兩岸貿易型態與國際分工的變化情形,接著針對產業內貿易指數的缺點提出疑問,並配合貿易專業化係數或質易特殊化係數(Trade Specialization Coefficient, TSC) 重新定義國際分工型態。由TSC值進一步觀察兩岸歷年對全球貿易中,工業部門的國際分工型態,並以「雁行」理論,探討兩岸產業的發展關{系。 本文共分陸節,除前言外,第貳節是圓際貿易與國際分工型態的文獻回顧,第參節敘述貿易資料來源與國際分工指標,第肆富有分析臺灣地區國際貿易與分工型態時間趨勢,第伍節說明臺灣地區產業政策與國際分工型態反轉的形成,最後則是結論

    Introduction - Gods’ Imprints, Humans’ Technology – Religious maps, Satellite Imagery

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    International audienceThis Atlas presents a series of forty-six maps recording processional routes. It deals with seven events and puts on view seven territories and sacred places in the region of Tainan. This new study of processions based on cartographic material constitutes an original entry into the understanding of Taiwan’s cultural space, popular religion, as well as local history


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    The factors related to shallow slope failures include soil depth, vertical soil structure, and bedrock topography. In this study, we surveyed spatial variations of soil depth and vertical soil structure by conducting simplified penetration tests, and then estimated bedrock topography in a newly-planted hillslope. We analyze the ability of these three factors to detect potential slope failure locations (PSFL) on the basis of information from a shallow slope failure which occurred at the study site during the survey period. The results show that soil depth varies spatially on the hillslope. However, there are no obvious correlations between soil depth and any topographic factor. This finding differs from the results suggesting an inverse correlation between soil depth and slope in some previous studies. Comparing the three factors, the area of PSFL determined by soil depth is the smallest. This implies that soil depth plays an important role in predicting the potential of a shallow slope failure. According to information about vertical soil structure, we presume that vertical rainwater infiltration is impeded by local hard soil layers, rocks, and the soil-bedrock interface, and following increase of pore water pressure might trigger shallow slope failure. This indicates that vertical soil structure has implications for vertical soil water movement and PSFL. Consequently, we suggest that the spatial variations of soil depth and vertical soil structure should be carefully considered when assessing potential locations for shallow slope failures in Taiwan.判斷淺層崩塌潛勢的因子中,地表下不可視的土壤厚度、土壤垂直結構和基岩面地形等因子各別有不同的促崩機制和影響力。本研究利用簡易貫入試驗調查坡地的土壤垂直結構、土壤厚度及推估基岩面地形,瞭解這些因子的空間變異,並以樣區中發生的小崩塌為基礎探討各個因子對淺層崩塌潛勢區位的判釋能力。結果顯示土壤厚度具有空間變異,說明土壤厚度調查的重要性。在崩塌單一因子的分析中,以土壤厚度評估高崩塌潛勢區域 (PSFL) 所得的分布面積最小,且皆分布於崩塌位置附近,說明土壤厚度在崩塌潛勢的預測中佔有相當重要的角色。由崩塌地的貫入試驗和崩塌剖面觀察所得土壤垂直結構資訊,推測水分垂直移動受硬度較高的土壤層、塊石、基岩面阻擋,使得局部孔隙水壓上升進而引發淺層崩塌。這顯示土壤結構的影響力,也說明了相同的崩塌機制亦可能發生在具有同類土壤垂直結構的區域。根據本研究結果,建議就評估臺灣坡地水文過程及坡地穩定而言,應重視土壤厚度及土壤結構異質性在評估淺層崩塌潛勢區位的影響力

    The Spatial Analysis of Betel Nut Plantation Hot Spots in the Upper Shui-Li Creek Watershed

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    This study investigated the spatial distribution of BNP hot spots in the upper Shui-Li Creek watershed. Two spatial autocorrelation methods, Moran’s I and G statistics, were selected for analyzing the spatial cluster of BNPs with different grid sizes. The results show that spatial autocorrelation analysis can indeed discover BNP hot spots in this watershed. The strength and significance of spatial dependence can be easily compared and monitored. For the global spatial autocorrelation analysis, both Moran’s I and G statistics values are positive with whole different grid sizes and statistically significant (p<0.05). This means that the BNPs in study areas obviously have the characteristics of positive spatial autocorrelation. Furthermore, with the increase of the grid size, the value of Moran’s I decreases, but the value of G statistics increases.本研究調查水里溪上游集水區中檳榔園熱點的空間分佈,藉由Moran’s I 及G statistics 空間自相關方法,識別出在不同網格大小下檳榔園的空間聚集情況。結果顯示,空間自相關分 析方法確實能識別出研究區內的檳榔園熱點,且空間相依性的強度及顯著性可以容易地被比較 及驗證。在全域空間自相關分析部分,Moran’s I 與G statistics 係數二者在不同網格尺寸下皆呈 現正值,且達統計顯著性 (p<0.05),表示檳榔園區塊具有空間正相關。此外,隨著網格尺寸愈 大,Moran’s I 係數值呈現遞減,而G statistics 係數值則呈現出遞增

    A Study of Artist Lai, Jun Jun’s works : From Feminist Perspective

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    [[abstract]]Abstract In recent years, female ideological trends have been raised in Taiwan. This atmosphere has affected Taiwanese regions of art, and has promoted large scale in feminine artists’ visibilities. The development of feminine arts has actually reflected Taiwan for a half century in the social culture’s transformation and post-modernization’s tendencies with plurality. This object of study talks about a feminine artist Lai, Jun-Jun (1953-). During in these 30 years (1974-2008), there are many of plentiful artistic creations and the female consciousness. They are both integrated into the concrete practice of the artistic creations, and set up the Taiwanese feminine artistic circles with the indelible successful status. The researcher in this article from parts of second chapter, makes a comprehensive survey between different western feminisms' special characteristics and connotation. This article also analyzes the development of Taiwanese feminine art in society and culture, and collects the literature of sexual consciousness' evolutionary creation in styles and forms. At the same time, the fourth chapter talks about the time period of the artist Lai, Jun-Jun's growing background. This makes an entirely discussion and understanding whether the acquired background shape the model of the artists' evolution in their creative consciousness or not. Additionally, the fifth chapter includes the induction and the interviews with artists. After the entirely intercross comparison collected from now on, the researcher uses her feminine angle of view to analyze and compose its art creation of work and the relatedness between the evolvement of work styles and forms. Through this research's depth writing, it is detectable to detect that the artist Lai, Jun-Jun's growing background is began during the emerged age of Taiwanese modern art and the awakeness of female consciousness at that time. Under the background at this time, this atmosphere has influenced her to expresse her experiences and the philosophy of life by creating art work. After many years, the artistic creations have been conformed to the stage of awakeness of female consciousness with internalization. The feminine art and appearance of style at last stage of 20th century in Taiwan is clearly seen in her art creation. Her infinite passion and rigid of art and devotion to inheritance of art education have established her position in Taiwanese artistic circle. She has integrated her life into art. Not rigid in the ideology critique, but to change the self-life to the sublimation practice. This life of art view also has given Taiwanese future feminine artists the best model.