91,516 research outputs found

    A Study on the Structural Factors in Chinese Economic Fluctuation

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    经济周期是国民经济运行过程中出现的波动现象,表现为经济的扩张、收缩、再扩张、再收缩周而复始的循环过程。经济增长总是伴随着经济结构的调整、转变和升级,往往表现为波动型增长。改革开放以来,中国宏观经济运行本质上是一个周期性波动的过程,也是一个结构变动的过程。1979年伊始,中国经济的高速增长令全世界瞩目。伴随着经济增长,中国经济结构不断演变和升级,市场化与对外开放度也不断提高。这些都为中国经济的持续发展提供了强有力的保障。但是,大家也注意到一个事实:2012年以来,中国经济告别高速增长进入到“常态增长”阶段,经济增速开始在7%左右运行。如果中国经济在未来10年能够保持7%的增长速度,将仍然是世界最...An economic cycle is such a phenomenon which appears in the form of economic fluctuations in the performance of the national economy and which repeats itself in a full cycle of economic expansion, contraction, and re-expansion, and re-contraction. Economic growth, which often tends to be a kind of fluctuating growth, is always accompanied by the adjustment of the economic structure, transformation...学位:经济学博士院系专业:经济研究所_政治经济学学号:2902012015366

    An Empirical Study on the economic development of typical cities of southern Jiangsu and the Pearl River Delta region under the difference of factor endowment

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    近年来,国内经济增速逐步下滑,“珠三角”和“长三角”等局部地区保持了相对稳定和较高的经济增速,成为了当前国内区域经济发展的亮点;与此同时,发展经济学相关理论依据经济发展的实践不断创新,新结构主义综合发展经济学现有的理论成果,以要素禀赋为出发点,肯定市场作为资源配置的根本机制,同时强调政府也应发挥因势利导的作用,在一定程度上很好的解释过去经济发展的实践,成为了当前发展经济学的重要理论成果。本文从新结构主义经济学的视角研究苏南地区和“珠三角”经济区典型城市的发展,将要素禀赋作为区域经济研究的出发点,考察政府与市场对区域经济发展的影响。构建计量模型进行系统性的实证检验和分析,扩宽了新结构主义经济学的...In recent years, the domestic economic growth rate has gradually declined, some areas of "Pearl River Delta" and "Yangtze River Delta" maintain a relatively stable and high economic growth, and it has become a highlight of the current domestic regional development. At the same time, The theory of development economics based on economic development practice constantly bring forth new ideas. The ...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院_政治经济学学号:1532014115212

    The Effects of Government Spending on Real Exchange Rate—Based on OECD Countrie

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    二战以后,由于世界各国经济交往日益增多,经济全球化进程进一步加快。因此各国的宏观经济运行不可避免的会受到全球经济状况的影响,各国之间的宏观经济政策也会相互影响。在经济不景气的情况下,各国会采用财政政策和货币政策来刺激经济。而在经济全球化的今天,一个国家的经济不仅受到国内经济政策的影响,同时也会受到其他国家经济政策的影响。实际汇率作为衡量两国商品相对价格的经济变量,反映了一国的竞争力,也会受到本国和外国经济政策的影响。但财政支出会怎样影响实际汇率呢?主流的经济学理论认为财政支出会导致实际汇率升值,但相关实证文献却没有得出和理论预测一致的结论。为了进一步研究该问题,本文使用localproject...After World War II, the economic exchanges between the countries in the world are increasing, and the process of economic globalization is speeding up. Macroeconomic operation of countries will inevitably be affected by the global economic situation and macroeconomic policy will affect each other. In the periods of recession, countries will use fiscal policy and monetary policy to stimulate the ec...学位:金融硕士院系专业:王亚南经济研究院_金融硕士学号:2772014115276

    The Necessity and Feasibility of Cross-Strait Economic Cooperation under Regional Economic Integration

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    自从2008年以来,中国大陆与台湾地区在坚持“九二共识”的一致共识的前提基础上实现和平发展,两岸经济交流与经贸合作取得了一系列重大的历史性突破,对促进两岸经济转型升级,提升两岸福祉发挥了积极影响。两岸经济合作进程,既是两岸关系和平发展的重要成果,又是全球金融危机后全球经济发生深刻变革、区域经济一体化进程加快和两岸经济转型的迫切需求。然而,任何事情的发展都不可能是一帆风顺的,两岸经济合作进程也是如此。两岸经济合作程度越高,一些两岸深层次的突出问题越容易显露出来,使两岸经济合作步入了合作“深水区”。当前,在区域经济一体化进程逐步加快的国际局势下,台湾大选的尘埃落定、美国重返亚太推动的TPP战略、中...Since 2008, both side of Taiwan Strait have realized peaceful development at the basis of “1992 Consensus”. The economic transformation and cooperation at Cross-strait has achieved a series of major historic breakthrough, and has achieved normalization, institutionalization and mechanism of cross-strait economic relations at the first step. All of these have a positive influence to promote cross-s...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院_世界经济学号:1572013115195

    An empirical research on the relationship between financial development and economic growth:Based on provincial panel data and listing corporation cata

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    摘要 在现代市场经济中,金融系统处于资源配置和宏观调控的核心位置;纵观世界范围内各经济体,无可辩驳的事实是,其经济越发达,金融体系也越完善。“十二五”期间,国家提出了转变经济发展方式和产业升级的经济发展规划,“十三五”开局,习总书记即提出了“供给侧改革”的新增长战略;为了充分发挥我国金融系统在经济增速换挡和经济转型过程中的调节稳定作用,国务院办公厅提出了金融支持经济转型和机构调整的指导意见。正是在这样的国际经济金融格局和我国经济“新常态”转型背景下,本文对金融发展和经济增长之间的相关性和微观作用机制进行了理论梳理和实证检验。因此具有一定的现实意义。 运用理论分析与实证研究相结合的方法,本文...Abstract In the modern market economy, the financial system is in the core position of resource allocation and macro-regulation; throughout the world, the truth is that the more developed an economy is, the better its financial system runs. During the "Twelfth Five Year Plan", our government put forward the strategy of “Transforming the Mode of Economic Development and Industrial Upgrading” and t...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院_金融学学号:1562013115207