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    申請代表者: 薬学部薬学科3年 淺野 航平アドバイザー教員: 薬学研究科情報・計量薬学分野 田 雨時共同研究者:薬学部薬学科3年 田中志幸, 日南優也, 野島由衣採択番号: 薬-3

    日商簿記検定の合否判別に関する予備的研究 ― 生活習慣および学修習慣のアンケートを用いて ―

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    The purpose of this pilot study is to investigate the relationship between the lifestyle of the students at International Pacific University and success in the form of passing scores. Data were collected using a questionnaire from the students who took an examination for“ Bookkeeping” held by the Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Sleep duration, having breakfast, learning times and concentration times were used as predictors of performance for passing the test. This study was designed using discriminant analysis to determine if these variables were a good predictor of successfully passing the test. Findings from this study demonstrated that there is a significant positive correlation between sleep duration and concentration times in relation to the student scores on the“ Bookkeeping” test. Discriminant function analysis revealed that the sleep duration, having breakfast, learning times and concentration times can successfully classify those who pass or fail the “Bookkeeping” test with a hit-rate of 84.6%


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    In econometrics it is important to distinguish whether two variables are correlated or not. Distribution of correlation coefficient of n pairs of samples from two independent normal populations is theoretically known. Based on the distribution and the value of the sample correlation coefficient we decide whether the two variables are correlated or not. We compute distribution of correlation coefficient of n pairs of samples from two independent uniform populations by computer simulation. We see that we cannot distinguish the two distributions of the correlation coefficients when n11, however, the two distributions are different definitely


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    近年,社会構成主義に基づく学習評価法としてピアアセスメントが注目されている.一般に,MOOCsのように学習者数が多い場合のピアアセスメントは,評価の負担を軽減するために学習者を複数のグループに分割してグループ内のメンバ同士で行うことが多い.しかし,この場合,学習者の能力測定精度がグループ構成の仕方に依存する問題が残る.この問題を解決するために,本研究では,項目反応理論を用いて,学習者の能力測定精度を最大化するようにグループを構成する手法を提案する.しかし,実験の結果,ランダムにグループを構成した場合と比べ,提案手法が必ずしも高い能力測定精度を示すとは限らないことが明らかとなった.そこで,本研究では,グループ内の学習者同士でのみ評価を行うという制約を緩和し,各学習者に対して少数のグループ外評価者を割り当てる外部評価者選択手法を提案する.シミュレーションと被験者実験から,提案手法を用いて数名の外部評価者を追加することで,グループ内の学習者のみによる評価に比べ,能力測定精度が改善されることが確認された.As an assessment method based on social constructivism, peer assessment has attracted much attention in recent years. When learners increase as in MOOCs, peer assessment is often conducted by dividing learners into groups. However, in this case, the accuracy of peer assessment depends on a way of forming groups. To optimize the accuracy, this study develops a group optimization method using item response theory. However, experimental results show that the method cannot sufficiently improve the accuracy compared to random groups. Therefore, the study further proposes an external rater selection method to assign a few appropriate outside-group raters to each learner. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method can sufficiently improve the accuracy


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    本稿は、岡山県立大学大学院前期課程の専攻共通科目である「国際コミュニケーション特論」で取り上げたコーパス言語学と内容分析を用いて、履修者が共同執筆者として各自の研究テーマの一端を解明するものである。本稿では、分析対象として共通の看護社会福祉領域コーパスを作成し、それを基に分析対象語を抽出した。そして、分析対象語を含む言葉の意味的まとまり(ディスコースおよびディスコース・セグメント)に対して内容分析を試みた。本稿は、複数の執筆者によるオムニバス的論考であるため、考察結果も様々であるが、看護学および社会福祉学領域へのコーパス言語学的アプローチの推進のために、速報的・記録的にまとめた研究プロポーザル的要素を含むものである。This study employs the application of corpus linguistics and content analysis in nursing and social welfare studies. The two linguistic methods were dealt in a graduate-level class, Global Communication Study, and the registered students of the class pursued their own research themes using the two methods. Hence, this study is an accumulation of each student’s research results. However, this paper has a significant meaning as a research proposal since linguistics is not yet a popular approach in nursing and social welfare studies. This paper shows an affinity, to some extent, between linguistics and nursing and social welfare studies and will have a positive impact on further research in the field of the two studies