16,650 research outputs found

    Multimerization and protective efficacy of rotavirus VP4 truncated proteins

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    轮状病毒是全球范围内引起5岁以下婴幼儿腹泻的主要病原体,在全球每年由于轮状病毒感染导致的死亡病例高达40-60万。疫苗是预防轮状病毒感染及发病最有效的途径,目前已经有两种轮状病毒疫苗(Rotateq和Rotarix)在全球范围内推广使用,70多个国家已经将轮状病毒疫苗纳入免疫规划。随着轮状病毒疫苗的推广,轮状病毒导致的年死亡病例由40-60万下降到20万左右。但是目前的轮状病毒疫苗存在地区有效性差异大、会诱发小儿肠套叠等问题,因此更加安全、有效的轮状病毒亚单位疫苗的研究对于进一步降低轮状病毒导致的发病率和死亡率具有重要意义。VP4作为刺突蛋白,介导了轮状病毒的吸附和入胞过程,其抗体可以阻断轮状...Rotavirus is a major pathogen that causes diarrhea in infants and young children under 5 years of age worldwide, with 40 to 60 million deaths worldwide due to rotavirus infection. Vaccine is the most effective way to prevent rotavirus infections. Two rotavirus vaccines (Rotateq and Rotarix) are now available worldwide, and more than 70 countries have included rotavirus vaccines in immunization pro...学位:医学硕士院系专业:公共卫生学院_转化医学学号:3262014115057

    The molecular epidemiology of rotavirus circulating in Chongqing, 2011-2015

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    A组轮状病毒(Rotavirus)是引起全球婴幼儿严重腹泻的主要病因,95%的儿童在5岁以前都感染过轮状病毒,造成了巨大的经济和社会负担。目前尚无特效药物治疗轮状病毒引起的婴幼儿腹泻,疫苗接种是预防和控制轮状病毒感染的有效方法。轮状病毒的流行具有明显的地域性,且主要流行毒株随着时间的推移而不断变化。轮状病毒流行病学监测对于了解轮状病毒的进化以及研发高效的轮状病毒疫苗具有重要的指导意义。 本研究收集了2011-2015年重庆医科大学附属儿童医院门诊就诊的5岁以下婴幼儿腹泻标本2236份,其中轮状病毒是导致腹泻的主要病原体之一,轮状病毒阳性病例占所有腹泻病例的30.46%。681例轮状病毒阳性的...Group A rotavirus is one of the major causes of acute viral gastroenteritis in infants and young children worldwide, 95% of chilidren were infected with rotavirus before the age of five, leading to serious social and economic burden. There is no specific treatment for rotavirus diarrhea, vaccination is the most efficient methods to prevent and control rotavirus infection. The prevalence of rotavir...学位:理学硕士院系专业:生命科学学院_生物化学与分子生物学学号:2162013115263

    Research progress in rotavirus VP4 subunit vaccine

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    轮状病毒是全球范围内导致5岁以下婴幼儿严重腹泻的主要病原体,造成了巨大的经济负担和社会负担。疫苗预防接种是控制轮状病毒感染最为有效的手段,但在轮; 状病毒导致的死亡率较高的非洲和亚洲部分低收入国家,目前已经上市的轮状病毒疫苗的有效性较低,且会增加肠套叠的风险。更加安全、有效的轮状病毒疫苗对于; 降低轮状病毒感染导致的发病率和死亡率具有重要意义。目前,各国科研人员试图从多个方面提高轮状病毒疫苗的有效性,非复制型基因工程亚单位疫苗是目前轮状; 病毒疫苗研究的主要方向。文中就目前轮状病毒亚单位疫苗,特别是基于VP4蛋白的亚单位疫苗的研究进展进行了综述,以期对轮状病毒疫苗的发展提供借鉴意义; 。Rotaviruses are leading causes of worldwide acute diarrhea in children; younger than 5 years old, with severe consequence of social and economic; burden. Vaccination is the most effective way to control rotavirus; infection, however, the licensed rotavirus vaccines are ineffective in; some low-income countries of Africa and Asia, where the mortality caused; by rotavirus is higher than other areas. In addition, there are also; safety concerns such as increased risk of intussusception. Therefore, it; is urgent to improve the efficiency and safety of rotavirus vaccine to; reduce the morbidity and mortality caused by rotavirus. Till now, many; efforts are made to improve the effectiveness of rotavirus vaccines, and; the inactive vaccine becomes the main rend in the research of rotavirus; vaccine. The developments in recombinant rotavirus vaccines, especially; in VP4 subunit vaccines are summarized in this review, and it could be; helpful to develop effective recombinant rotavirus vaccines in further; studies.国家自然科学基

    Investigation of the in vitro and in vivo protective activity of antibody against rotavirus inner capsid protein VP6

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    轮状病毒(Rotavirus)是全球范围内引起婴幼儿腹泻的主要病原体之一,每年导致40-60万死亡病例和超过200万住院病例,造成严重的社会经济负担。安全有效的疫苗是控制轮状病毒的重要手段,目前已经有3种减毒活疫苗上市,并且在欧美等国具有较高的安全性和有效性。但是,这些疫苗在轮状病毒导致死亡率较高的非洲和亚洲地区有效性较低,且会增加患肠套叠的风险,存在一定的安全问题。因此,更加高效、安全的基因工程疫苗的研究已经成为轮状病毒疫苗研究的主要方向。 研究表明,针对VP6蛋白的IgA抗体可有效抑制轮状病毒的转录进而抑制病毒在体内的复制,VP6蛋白已经成为轮状病毒基因工程疫苗研究的一个重要方向。本课题...Rotavirus is one of the main pathogens causing worldwide infant diarrhea,it causes four to six hundred thousand deaths a year and more than two million hospitalized cases, leads to serious social and economic burden. Safe and effective vaccine is one of the most important methods for rotavirus control. By now, there are three kinds of live attenuated vacine in the market and has higher safety and ...学位:医学硕士院系专业:公共卫生学院_公共卫生硕士学号:3262012115055

    The Application of Elispot in Detection of Rotavirus And Rotavirus Neutralization Assay

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    轮状病毒是引起小儿腹泻的主因。全球每年有超过1.25亿婴幼儿腹泻是由轮状病毒引起的,并造成超过60万婴幼儿的死亡,且大部分死亡病例都发生在不发达的亚非国家。针对轮状病毒的治疗目前还没有特别有效的治疗药物,因此预防轮状病毒就显得至关重要;而预防轮状病毒最有效的方法就是研制轮状病毒疫苗,因此研制安全、广谱、高效的轮状病毒疫苗就成为当今各国政府及世界卫生组织(WHO)极为重要的任务。目前TCID50法是常用的检测轮状病毒感染力和轮状病毒中和抗体的方法,但由于TCID50法耗时长、主观误差大、工作量大等原因,限制其在大规模的筛选和试验中应用。因此建立一种快速、高效、准确的轮状病毒和轮状病毒中和抗体的检...Rotavirus is the major pathogenesis of infantile diarrhea. 125 million infants all over the world caught diarrhea because of rotavirus and 60 thousand of them died of this disease. This often happened in undeveloped countries. No effective drugs have be developed by now, hence it is of significance to take precautions against rotavirus. As is known, vaccine is the most effective precaution. Then t...学位:理学硕士院系专业:生命科学学院生物学系_生物化学与分子生物学学号:2172009115205


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    为认识我国淡水鱼类烂鳃病的病原以及柱形病在我国的发生情况,实验从发生烂鳃病的病鱼中分离细菌性病原,经过生理生化特性分析以及是否在含托普霉素的Shieh培养基中生长并形成黄色假根状菌落,是否产生降解明胶和硫酸软骨素的酶类等特性的鉴定,并结合16SrDNA序列分析,证实柱状黄杆菌(Flavobacterium columnare)是所分离的烂鳃病的病原。同时,研究也证实20世纪曾经命名为烂鳃(Gill-rot)病病原的鱼害黏球菌(Myxococcus piscicola Lu,Nie & Ko,1975)是


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     Pregnancy-induced toxemia is named as pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome and its definition is based on hypertension but not in proteinuria and edema. Previously pregnancy-induced toxemia is composed of three symptoms of hypertension, proteinuria and edema. In the present study, two studies were carried out. The first study examined renal patho-histology in 30 proteinuric patients who had a past history of toxemia. Ten patients had IgA nephropathy, 10 did glomerulosclerosis and 10 did focal glomerulosclerosis. The factors, such as the age of pregnancy, the levels of blood pressure and the degree of proteinuria during pregnancy, were not significantly different among three groups. However, the levels of serum creatinine in patients with focal glomerulosclerosis were significantly lower than those with IgA nephropathy and /or with glomerulosclerosis. In addition, there was no significantly difference of the two factors between the latter two groups. These data suggest that patients who were previously defined as having pregnancy-induced toxemia were composed at least of three types of nephropathy. From this study, patients who had proteinuria during pregnancy should be carefully followed up and if proteinuria persisted more than a year renal biopsy for diagnosis of nephropathy should be considered. In the second study, 52 patients who were diagnosed as having pregnancy-induced hypertension were followed up for a year after delivery. In 9 patients, high blood pressure more than 140 mmHg systolic or 90 mmHg diastolic was maintained beyond one year. A comparison between the patients whose blood pressure became less than 140 and 90 mmHg within a year and those did not revealed a significant difference in systolic blood pressure at the presentation of pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome although any other factors such as age, the levels of proteinuria and so on. did not show any significant differences between the two groups. From the second study, the levels of systolic blood pressure might be predictable index for development of hypertension after delivery in patients with pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome. Combining these two studies, it is concluded that if proteinuria or high blood pressure persists more than one year after delivery more cautious follow-up would be preferable