4,942 research outputs found

    Study on memorial poems of the Huanghuagang Uprising(1917-1949)

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    黄花岗起义是中国近代史上的重要起义之一,被孙中山高度赞誉为“与武昌革命之役并寿”。黄花岗起义虽然失败了,但它成为辛亥革命的先导,因此,国民党从1912年开始隆重举办公祭活动,以纪念革命先烈和建构自我的革命历史,并于1928年将阳历3月29日设置为“黄花节”。受此影响,“黄花岗起义”纪念诗歌写作在现代时期不断涌起,出现了大量的纪念诗歌。纪念诗歌写作发轫于1911年,到1949年国民党政权覆灭而基本结束,经历了五个阶段,并在北伐战争和抗日战争时期出现写作高潮。纪念诗歌写作大量运用“衰草”、“夕阳”、“杜鹃”、“碧血”和“黄花”五种中国古典诗词常用意象,形成了独特的“碧血”、“黄花”意象群。而且,纪...The Huanghuagang Uprising was an important uprising during modern Chinese history and Sun Yat-sen praised that the Huanghuagang Uprising was as important as the Wuchang Uprising.Although the Huanghuagang Uprising was failed,it became the guide of the Revolution of 1911.Therefore,Kuomintang conducted the public mourning ceremony for memorizing 72 Martyrs and building his own revolutionary history f...学位:文学硕士院系专业:人文学院_中国现当代文学学号:1022014115237

    Gongti Ci and the Changing in the Northern Song Dynasty

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    宫体词是以宫廷、馆阁、贵族庭院等贵族阶层生活的场合为描写环境,以女性及围绕女性展开的艳情、物象为描写对象,以物象堆积为表现手法,以应歌为主要功能,风格华贵香软、哀婉阴柔,体现贵族审美情趣的词体,是一种典型的贵族文学体式。宫体词的提法自古有之,宫词是宫体诗与宫体词之间的过渡桥梁。宫体词的定义也有广义与狭义之分,狭义宫体词是指以宫廷为中心的艳词,广义宫体词不仅包括狭义宫体词,还包括新宫体、应制宫体,以及或多或少具有一定“宫体特色”的词体。“宫体词”与“骚体词”,一主北宋,一主南宋,成为词体发展的两个端点。 文章以“宫体词”概念及其在北宋的演变作为研究对象分为引言、正文、结语三个部分。引言部分通过...Gongti Ci is derived from the verse and focuses on rich life and women and love.Gongti Ci has typical aspects ,and the most typically one was written from the early Tang Dynasty to Ten Kingdoms period.Late Tang and Five dynasties ,the Ci's prosperity developed into new road of verse.As two kinds of similar literary styles,it could also be said that the Gongti poetry and Gongti Ci had suffered from...学位:文学硕士院系专业:人文学院_中国古代文学学号:1022013115240


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    Research on the the New Change of Literature in the Period of Wu Zetian

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    武则天时期是唐代文学史上的一个特殊时期,被视作初唐文学走向盛唐文学高潮的过渡期。该时期内,武则天为夺取、稳固政权,采取了众多改革措施,变化的文学环境影响了士人心态,促进了不同文学题材的发展,继而形成了新的文学特点。 本文分为引言、正文、结语三个部分。引言部分简要说明选题缘由、研究时段和研究现状。正文部分分为如下三章: 第一章分析武则天时期的文学环境,主要从思想秩序的重建、人才选拔的变革、以文为先的更张三个方面进行探讨。首先,打破李唐原有的门第观念、宗教政策、政权标志,建立服务于武周政权的新思想秩序,并大施高压政治,巩固政权。其次,改革人才选拔制度,广开仕进,壮大了文人队伍。再次,崇尚文艺,...The Period of Wu Zetian is a special period in the history of Tang literature. It is regarded as the important transition period of the earlier Tang dynasty literature going into the glorious age Tang dynasty literature. During this period, Wu Zetian took many reform measures in order to seize and consolidate the political power. The change of the literary environment has affected the mentality of...学位:文学硕士院系专业:人文学院_中国古代文学学号:1022014115236

    On the Cultural Education of Women in the Tang Dynasty from the Epitaph

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    唐代女性教育有许多方面构成,例如道德礼法、针指女红、典籍文化、音律丝竹。本文主要以墓志资料为主,同时结合《旧唐书》、《新唐书》、《全唐诗》以及唐代笔记小说等史料,对其中所反映出的唐代能够接受文化教育的女性在文化教育的内容、所处阶层分布以及影响等问题进行分析。 在文章结构方面,本文共分四个部分: 绪论部分,主要介绍本文的选题缘由、唐代有关女性教育的研究成果、史料来源并对女性群体进行概念界定,指出本文研究对象为具有家庭生活的女性,娼妓、女尼、女冠等特殊群体不在本文研究范围之内。 第一章首先介绍唐代的社会风貌以及唐律对女性行为的规范。第二节与第三节主要介绍唐代女性学习的文化内容分为经史诗文与佛...Women education in Tang Dynasty has many aspects, such as moral etiquette, needle sewing, classic culture, music melody. This article mainly focuses on epitaph data, and combined with the "Old Tang book", "new book of Tang", "poem", the Tang Dynasty notes novels historical data, and the women who can receive cultural education in the Tang Dynasty .The content of education, the distribution of clas...学位:历史学硕士院系专业:人文学院_中国史学号:1032014115227

    International Journal of Sino-Western Studies : A Special Volume on Celebrating Adjunct Professor David Jenkins (Ph. D,Th. D, M. Div.) Contributions on the Ethical Dimensions of Current Social Issues

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    This volume 18 of International Journal of Sino-Western Studies is a special volume to celebrate Dr. David Jenkins’s academic achievement. In the column of Humanities, Theology, and Chinese National Studies we have published Dr. Adjunct Professor David JENKINS’ “The Limits of Education and Technology for Ethical Thinking” and Miikka Ruokanen’s newest research on the Finnish School of Martin Lutheran studies “Remarks on Tuomo Mannermaa’s Interpretation of Martin Luther’s Lectures on Galatians”. In the column of Practical Theology and Sino-Western Views on Church and Society,we have published Professor FENG Jianzhang’s (University of Sanya) “A Study on the Construction of Civil Religion” and Matthew OSEKA’s (Concordia Theological Seminary, Hong Kong) “What the Emerging Protestant Theology Was about the Reformation Concept of Theological Studies as Enunciated by Philip Melanchthon in His Prolegomena to All Latin and German Versions of Loci”. In the column of Chinese and Western Classics and the Bible, we have published Donald WANG’s (Trinity International University, Chicago, USA) “Spirit in Atrahasis” and Pan ZHAO’s (Wuhan University) “Unchangeable and Changeable: Chen Chonggui's Biblical Interpretation and Chinese Society”.s In the column of Church History in the West and in China, we have published Shangyang SUN’s and Jianbin GUO’s (Peking University) “Globalization and Modernity: On the bridgehead Status of Macau in the early Cultural Exchange” and Shibo LIU’s (Dali University, Yunan) “An Example of Ethnic Education History from the Perspective of Educational Anthropology”. In the column of Comparative Religious and Cultural Studies, we have published Leonard Sidharta’s (Singapore Bible College ) “ ‘Looking Into the Birth of Gods’: A Philosophical Interpretation of the Origin of Idolatry” and Junjun LIU’s (Tsinghua University) “Two interpretations of Chinese and Hebrew traditions”. In the column of Reviews and Academic Reports, we have published an academic news of Jing LIU (Macau University of Science and Technology) “A Review on the Joint International Conference of Nordic Forum of Sino-Western Studies and 20th International Symposium on Bicosmology”. Part two is from Miao JIANG’s (China Academy of Social Sciences) “A Report on the International Research Project Regarding the Topic of the Impact of Religious Values on Chinese Social Life”. Weidong LIU’s (Heilongjiang Univeristy) “The View on the Philosophy of Love in Jacobi’s Novel Woldmar”. In the last, we have published a dialogue between Paulos HUANGand Archie Lee on the Hebrew Biblical studies with the title “Is it a literature, humanistic document, the Word of God, or a record of God-man interaction?”This number is a special volume to celebrate Dr. David Jenkins’s academic achievement. In the column of Humanities, Theology, and Chinese National Studies we have published Dr. Adjunct Professor David JENKINS’ “The Limits of Education and Technology for Ethical Thinking” and Miikka Ruokanen’s newest research on the Finnish School of Martin Lutheran studies “Remarks on Tuomo Mannermaa’s Interpretation of Martin Luther’s Lectures on Galatians”. In the column of Practical Theology and Sino-Western Views on Church and Society,we have published Professor FENG Jianzhang’s (University of Sanya) “A Study on the Construction of Civil Religion” and Matthew OSEKA’s (Concordia Theological Seminary, Hong Kong) “What the Emerging Protestant Theology Was about the Reformation Concept of Theological Studies as Enunciated by Philip Melanchthon in His Prolegomena to All Latin and German Versions of Loci”. In the column of Chinese and Western Classics and the Bible, we have published Donald WANG’s (Trinity International University, Chicago, USA) “Spirit in Atrahasis” and Pan ZHAO’s (Wuhan University) “Unchangeable and Changeable: Chen Chonggui's Biblical Interpretation and Chinese Society”.s In the column of Church History in the West and in China, we have published Shangyang SUN’s and Jianbin GUO’s (Peking University) “Globalization and Modernity: On the bridgehead Status of Macau in the early Cultural Exchange” and Shibo LIU’s (Dali University, Yunan) “An Example of Ethnic Education History from the Perspective of Educational Anthropology”. In the column of Comparative Religious and Cultural Studies, we have published Leonard Sidharta’s (Singapore Bible College ) “ ‘Looking Into the Birth of Gods’: A Philosophical Interpretation of the Origin of Idolatry” and Junjun LIU’s (Tsinghua University) “Two interpretations of Chinese and Hebrew traditions”. In the column of Reviews and Academic Reports, we have published an academic news of Jing LIU (Macau University of Science and Technology) “A Review on the Joint International Conference of Nordic Forum of Sino-Western Studies and 20th International Symposium on Bicosmology”. Part two is from Miao JIANG’s (China Academy of Social Sciences) “A Report on the International Research Project Regarding the Topic of the Impact of Religious Values on Chinese Social Life”. Weidong LIU’s (Heilongjiang Univeristy) “The View on the Philosophy of Love in Jacobi’s Novel Woldmar”. In the last, we have published a dialogue between Paulos HUANGand Archie Lee on the Hebrew Biblical studies with the title “Is it a literature, humanistic document, the Word of God, or a record of God-man interaction?”Peer reviewe


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