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    [[abstract]]本研究針對不完整資料環境下,處理不完整交通資料並進行旅行時間預估與資料融合。本研究先建立以灰色理論為基礎之不完整資料處理模式,透過灰關聯分析結合擬最鄰近法(pseudo-nearest neighbor) ,從不完整的資料記錄群組中,進行灰關聯度比對並嘗試插補不完整資料元素; 再者,將原始交通資料離線處理後,即應用旅運軌跡推估模式預估旅行時間。進一步,本研究在即時旅行時間預估與資料融合上,即以考慮車流時空觀念之旅行時間預估結果為基礎,整合流量、速度與佔有率資料作融合,透過模糊類神經網路之運算機制,預估即時旅行時間。範例中,以高速公路偵測器資料進行驗證,結果,顯示本研究模式準確,並於資料漏失率33%時,仍能維持準確度。[[conferencetype]]國內[[conferencedate]]20031205~20031205[[booktype]]紙本[[conferencelocation]]新竹, 臺

    [[alternative]]A Study on the Estimation of Travel Time and Installation Guideline for Vehicle Detector on Singalized Arterials

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    計畫編號:NSC94-2211-E032-015研究期間:200508~200607研究經費:404,000[[abstract]]為了獲取有效的即時路況資訊,如何挑選合適的偵測器佈設位置使得演算法能得到 有效的資料來源,進而計算出最準確的旅行時間,是目前重要的研究課題之一。本研究 旨在藉由車流模擬實驗與解析性模式等方式,找出適合國內車流特性的偵測器佈設策 略,同時驗證不同的路段旅行時間演算法或推估模式在台灣地區的適用程度,希望能找 出適合本土特性的路段旅行時間推估模式及偵測器佈設策略,以期能有效掌握即時、方 便的交通資訊,使交通管理單位能以有效率、低成本的方式研訂相關交通偵測設施佈設 策略與交通管理措施,進一步提供用路人可靠且便捷的交通資訊服務。[[sponsorship]]行政院國家科學委員

    The Impacts of Deregulation on Air Service to Small Communities in the U.S.

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    DEAとInverted DEAのノンパラメトリック検定を用いたわが国の電力各社の生産性に対する電力自由化の効果検証

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    This paper is verifying of the effects on the electric power deregulation in Japan to the productivity of each electric power company by using the parametric and nonparametric test of the DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis) and the Inverted DEA (Inverted Data Envelopment Analysis). In this paper, the first step of the evaluation of the relative efficiencies and inefficiencies of each electric power company for a total of 21 years before and after electric power deregulation. The second step of the verification of the effects on the electric power deregulation in Japan to the productivity of each electric power company by using the parametric and nonparametric test of the DEA and the Inverted DEA are clarified. The verification of the effects on the electric power deregulation of the productivity of each electric power company was identified statistically

    アマミ オオシマ ノ カンコウ カチ ニ カンスル ケイザイ ヒョウカ ブンセキ

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    The Northern War (1700-1721) caused forcible movements of people, including many war prisoners both from Russia and Sweden. This paper attempts to examine the circumstances of the Swedish prisoners in Russia, rapidly increasing after the Lesnaia battle( 1708) and the Poltava battle( 1709), and their attitudes toward the appeals of the Russian government under Peter I to them to serve in the Russian state organs.Partly because of the lack of international rules on the treatment for captives, both Swedish and Russian war prisoners at the beginning of the 18th century were compelled to endure the difficult situations. For example, in case of the exchange of the captives, they were trifled with the intentions of their governments which tried to get more benefits from each other. Even some of the ministers and generals from Sweden had to end their lives in Russia without returning to their homeland. Additionally, a Swedish captive general critically reported that some war prisoners were forced by the Russian landowners or the local governments to marry or convert their sects.The Petrine government, which accelerated the administrative reforms in the 1710s after the Poltava battle, sometimes called out to the Swedish captives for service in Russia, looking upon them as useful human resources, particularly because the new Russian organizations, including the colleges (kollegiia), were established on the model of the institutions in Sweden. However, although 13 of 77 non-Russian bureaucrats who worked in the Russian colleges at the end of the 1710s were from the Swedish prisoners, many captives tended to leave Russia after the end of the Northern war. Precisely for this tendency, Peter I seems to have given a warm reception to the former war prisoners who early decided to work for the Russian state, such as Count Douglas