6,603 research outputs found

    Study on the Effect of Tourist-to-Tourist Interaction on Experience Value and Revisit Intention

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    在旅游领域中,已经有很多关于旅游地主客关系的研究。但是关于旅游地旅游者之间互动的研究尚且较少。在旅游活动中,相比于游客与旅游服务人员或旅游企业之间的互动,游客之间的互动更为广泛的存在着,其互动的频率和数量都远远高于游客与旅游服务人员之间的互动。因此,研究游客间互动对于未来旅游业的可持续发展具有更加深远的意义。 本研究以来厦游客为研究对象,以游客间互动、体验价值及重游意愿为研究内容,综合运用多种社会学研究方法,对游客间互动对体验价值及重游意愿的作用机制进行实证研究。首先,本研究在对已有文献进行回顾和梳理的基础上,完成了对三个变量的概念梳理,并提出了本研究的研究模型和研究假设。其次,通过对来厦游...In the field of tourism, there have been many studies on the relationship of host-to-guest . However, few studies on tourist-to-tourist interaction exist. Thus, the study on the interaction among tourists has a more far-reaching significance for the future sustainable development of tourism. This study aims to explore the relationship among tourist-to-tourist interaction, tourism experience value...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院_旅游管理学号:1782013115120

    Research on the Relationship between Tourists’ Motive and Consuming Behavior in the Religious Tourism Destination ——Illustrated by the Case of Mount Putuo

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    近些年来,宗教旅游的迅速发展吸引了越来越多开发者的目光和研究者的关注。但从目前研究来看,国内关于宗教旅游主体的研究很少。在我国,更多的是学者在旅游者行为及其市场相关研究时会略带地涉及宗教旅游者行为,而少有专门性的关于宗教旅游者行为的研究,对他们的旅游消费行为缺乏深入和系统的研究。 基于此,本文以宗教旅游者的旅游动机为出发点,探究宗教旅游者个人特性、旅游动机、旅游消费行为及其之间的关系,期望能更准确地了解不同旅游者群体的消费需求,为旅游企业和旅游景区有针对性地设计旅游产品、制定市场营销方案提供参考建议。 本文通过对国内外相关文献的梳理总结,构建出宗教旅游者旅游动机与旅游消费行为关系研究模型并...In recent years, the rapid development of religious tourism has attracted the attention of more and more developers and researchers. But from the present study, there are very few researches on the main body of religious tourism. In our country, when studying the tourists and its related market, scholars will also observe the behavior of religious tourists, but there is a lack of special study on ...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院旅游系_旅游管理学号:X200615400

    Study on Impact of Place Attachment on Tourists Loyalty

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    在旅游业快速发展,旅游市场竞争加剧的今天,旅游者忠诚越来越受到旅游业及旅游研究的关注。对于各个旅游目的地而言,如何在文化同质化及景区替代性增强的情况下持续吸引旅游者成为迫切需要解决的问题。目的地品牌建设及培养旅游者忠诚成为旅游目的地吸引及挽留旅游者的重点策略,而对于旅游者忠诚的驱动机制研究也成为旅游研究的一大热点。地方依恋理论自90年代引入游憩研究后,其对旅游者消费行为,尤其是游后行为的影响逐渐受到重视。但地方依恋对旅游者忠诚的影响研究还有待深化。 本研究的主要目的是探讨地方依恋对旅游者忠诚的影响作用,在总结前人研究的基础上,对地方依恋及旅游者忠诚进行了理论分析,提出了地方依恋——感知价值—...With the rapid development of tourism and the increasing competition in tourism market, Tourists loyalty is attracting increasing interests by tourism industry and tourism research. A problem that needs urgent solution for tourism destinations today is how to continuously attract tourists under the tendency of cultural homogenization and destination substitutability become fierce. Destination bran...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院旅游系_旅游管理学号:1782009115103


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    Study on Construction and Optimization of Independent Travel Service System in Tourism Destination

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    作为旅游市场中极富开发潜力的“油脂层”,自助旅游是旅游发展转型过程中质量更高、更具前瞻性的旅游组织模式。以旅行社为龙头提供的传统包价旅游已无法满足自助旅游者对自主、个性的渴求,传统的旅游服务体系弊端凸显,而针对自助旅游者的服务体系又尚未建立。本文正是抓住这一空白,在自助旅游蓬勃发展而相应的自助旅游服务体系研究缺失的背景下展开研究。文章以系统论为视角,围绕自助旅游需求与供给这对始终贯穿于旅游活动全程的矛盾体进行分析,尝试为旅游目的地构建一个以人本、高效、专业为目标的自助旅游服务体系。 本文第一章主要阐述了选题背景、研究思路、研究方法以及研究意义。第二章对前人在自助旅游、旅游服务等相关领域的研究...As a potential “oil layer” in tourism market, independent travel is a higher and more forward-looking organized mode under the background of tourism transition. Traditional tourism service system has showed its drawbacks which are not able to satisfy the independent tourists’ need. On the other hand, the service system which aims at independent tourists has not been set up yet. This thesis just fi...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院旅游系_旅游管理学号:1782006115140

    Marketing Positioning of A Gardens

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    我国旅游地产正处于迅速发展的阶段,但是在发展过程中,旅游地产存在着许多尚未解决的问题。从目前发展情况来看,旅游地产业仍具有极大的发展空间,相比国外的旅游地产,国内旅游地产处于一个刚刚起步的阶段。 我国的旅游地产与发达国家还有一定的距离,旅游地产的机遇和挑战并存,大量的旅游地产开发商涌入。现在旅游地产还没有一套完整的发展理论体系,对旅游地产的研究还停留在个案上。本研究利用管理学的市场营销理论,以A庄园为研究对象,通过对A庄园现状进行了解,从A庄园的内外部环境进行分析,同时对旅游地产市场进行细分,寻找潜在客户的目标市场,并为A庄园进行准确市场的定位。本文研究出一套适合旅游地产的市场定位理论和方法...The tourism real estate of China is rapid developing. There are a number of problem in the process, but there are many development opportunities at the same time. In the present, the tourism real estate of China is at the start-up stage. The tourism real estate of China lags behind the developed countries. Most of the companies mainly chasing the short-term gains and doesn’t making long-term ...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院_工商管理硕士(工商管理硕士)学号:1792013115077

    Review of Research on Non-optimal Tourism Resource District

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    旅游业强劲发展态势导致旅游资源优越区不能有效满足现实旅游市场需求,客观呼唤旅游资源非优区研究。文章对国内关于旅游资源非优区的研究作了系统、全面的梳理,并就旅游资源非优区的研究成果进行述评,在此基础上从旅游资源非优区的基础研究、相关研究与应用研究三个维度进行研究展望,形成具有中国特色的旅游资源非优区理论体系,更好地指导旅游资源非优区的开发与发展实践。The strong tourism tendency can not effectively meet the demand of present tourism market.Thus reality calls for the study of non-optimal tourism resource district.Based on the systematic and overall analysis of domestic research on non-optimal tourism resource district,a prospect on the research is carried through three dimensions------the basic research,the related research and the applied research,on which the Chinese characteristic theoretical system of non-optimal tourism resource district is formed.Hopefully,the research may better guide the practice in exploitation and development of non-optimal tourism resource district.湖南省社会科学基金重大项目《湖南省旅游业转型与结构优化升级研究》(项目编号:07ZDA05