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    Health and social care for older persons from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds : Australian policy and practice

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    Introduction In an increasingly globalised world, the challenges of meeting the health and social needs of older people from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds is becoming increasingly important, with the World Health Organisation stating that designing for diversity is a primary characteristic of an age friendly city (World Health Organization [WHO], 2007). In Australia, the importance of meeting the needs of CALD older people has been recognised at all levels of government and is one of the features of the current proposed Australian Government aged care reforms (Chenoweth, Jeon, Goff & Burke, 2006; Commonwealth of Australia, 2012; Radermacher, Karunarathna, Grace & Feldman, 2011). This paper explores the challenges and opportunities of CALD ageing, building on an earlier scoping study of ageing and cultural diversity (Bartlett, Rao & Warburton, 2006) which included a comprehensive review of the literature (Rao, Warburton & Bartlett, 2006) and analysis of the implications for policy and practice (Warburton, Bartlett & Rao, 2009). In addition to consideration of the health and social needs of diverse groups, this paper reviews a range of other factors impacting upon the wellbeing of CALD older people, outlines selected innovation and good practice, and highlights areas for further research, policy and practice development. 「多元文化及语言背景长者的健康及护理:澳洲的政策与实践」 导言 在不断全球化的社会中,应付来自多元文化及语言(CALD)背景长者的健康及社会需要成为一大挑战,其重要性也越来越高。世界卫生组织指出要成为老龄友好型社会,首要条件是要设计多元化顾及不同需要(世界卫生组织[WHO],2007)。澳洲政府上下一致认同满足多元文化及语言背景长者的需要之重要性,更把其作为现时所提议的长者护理改革中其中一个重点(肯诺恩斯,全,高夫与伯克,2006;澳洲联邦,2012;拉德马赫尔,卡鲁纳拉特纳,葛瑞丝与费尔德曼,2011)。此论文以较早前的老龄化与多元文化的概括研究为基础(芭特莉特,拉奥与沃伯顿,2006),探讨多元文化及语言背景人口老龄化所带来的挑战和机遇,同时包括全面的文献综述(拉奥,沃伯顿与芭特莉特,2006)和分析政策与实践的意涵(沃伯顿,芭特莉特与拉奥,2009)。除了涉及多元群组的健康和社会需要,此论文还包括一系列影响多元文化及语言背景长者的健康福祉的因素,概述当中的创新意念和优良的实践方法,并讨论日后研究、政策与实践的路向

    A Comparative Study of Three Chinese Versions of Walden from a Cultural Translation Perspective

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    文化和生态文化等文化因素传译上的特点。 本文研究发现,三个中译本都存在着不同程度的文化信息丢失或误解、误译现象。译者要想让译文成功转化、传达文化,理解是最关键的因素。假如译者对源发语文本理解失误,即使翻译方法、策略有效,也会造成文化传译的失误。 由于《瓦尔登湖》是有深厚文化意蕴本文从文化传译的角度,研究了《瓦尔登湖》三个不同时期的中译本对文化因素的传达。研究的目的,是探讨影响文化传译效果的决定因素和方法策略的有效性。 美国语言学家和翻译理论家尤金•奈达将翻译中的文化因素概括为生态文化、物质文化、社会文化、宗教文化和语言文化五大类,基本上包括了翻译中可能遇到的各种文化差异问题。...From the perspective of cultural translation, this thesis examines three different Chinese translations of Walden, which are coming from different periods, and their transmission of cultural elements. The aim of the research is to discuss the decisive factors that influence the effects of culture translation and the effectiveness of the translation strategy. According to Eugene Nida, an American ...学位:翻译硕士院系专业:外文学院_翻译硕士学号:1202012115257


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