30,870 research outputs found

    A Study of Paradigm of Strategic Management Based on Yijing

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    战略管理是影响企业成败、决定企业发展方向的重要因素之一。战略管理研究发展至今,仍缺少能够反映战略管理全貌、有效指导战略管理实践,具有通用性质的科学范式。 传统战略管理理论要么太过理论化,经理人很难用于实践;要么太聚焦于实践应用,而缺少有效的理论基础。其存在着深深的“人格分裂”,现有主流战略管理理论中,一类专注于外部分析,忽视组织的内部条件,而另一类则专注于组织的内部分析,忽视外部的竞争,无法反映制约组织发展的全部因素。 战略管理亟需具体通用性质的科学范式。这一范式不仅有助于对现有战略管理研究成果进行有效整合,而且能切实弥补传统战略理论在环境快速变化的当代所存在的缺陷。 对古今中外相关文献...Strategic management is one of the important factors that impact on business success and determine the direction of enterprises' development. So far as strategic management develops, there is still lacking one structured paradigm that can reflect strategic management as a whole, guide the strategic management practice effectively. Either traditional strategy theory is too theoretical and difficul...学位:管理学博士院系专业:管理学院_企业管理学号:1762011015360


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    战略管理于20世纪80年代引入公共部门,如今在西方发达国家已经成为一个极为重要和非常热门的研究领域。虽然对于我国公共部门来说战略思考是早已有之,但对战略进行系统化和全程化的管理却几乎是空白。因此,深入研究公共部门战略管理并将其应用于公共部门管理实践对于我国目前来说具有重大和深远的意义。一、公共部门战略管理的特性 公共部门战略管理是战略管理在公共部门的应用。 由于公共部门与私营部门的区别,战略管理在公共部门组织的应用过程中不得不有一些特殊的考虑,战略管理因而也具有了公共部门管理的特性。 (一)战略特

    Creating the future for a better world

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    WFF is a grant-making foundation, based in Singapore, but for the world. It provides financial support to a number of organizations and programs related to environmental and social sustainability research. Through these programs, WFF hopes to bring forth a wide range of new technologies for the benefit of the current generation and generations to come. WFF is the first philanthropic foundation in Singapore funded by entrepreneurs from mainland China, and is professionally managed by an international team. This not only highlights globalization in the philanthropy sector, but also reflectsthe central status of Singapore in the global philanthropic domain. WFF is a private foundation. It does not raise funds from public, rather it invites public-spirited and influential Chinese entrepreneurs and professionals to join and lend their strengths to accomplish these great undertakings. WFF's motto, "For Our World, For Our Future", reflects its founders' ambitions and aspirations.This report relates to the 5th Anniversary of WFF, remembering and analyzing the most important projects and prizes organized by the foundation and how it has impacted positevely in society

    The Development Strategies of Shenzhen Xinke Special Decoration Engineering Company

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    随着中国房地产的发展以及相关行业需求的提高,建筑装饰活动日益繁荣,并逐渐形成了一个独立的行业,与此同时,人们对建筑装饰行业进行了更加细微专业的划分,特种装饰行业就是从属于建筑装饰范畴中的一个具有独特性、专业性的分类,且在建筑装饰行业中所占的比重也越来越大。人们高品质高水准的追求给特种装饰行业带来了一个巨大的成长空间,也推动其向提供更顶尖的技术、更专业的水平方面发展。 深圳新科特种装饰工程公司作为建筑装饰企业,凭借自身在特种装饰领域的专长,30年来通过不断的摸索与探讨,不断地发展成熟,具备了越来越强的市场竞争力,但在发展过程中也显现出自身的一些问题。本文以目前建筑装饰业的市场为背景,探讨特种装...With the development of China's real estate industry and the improving demand of relevant industries, building decoration activities have became increasingly prosperous, and gradually formed into an independent industry. Meanwhile, building decoration industry has been divided into more professional industry, for example, special decoration industry. Special decoration industry is a unique, profes...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院_工商管理硕士(高级管理人员工商管理硕士)学号:X201015618

    Research on Inspection and Quarantine Department Organizational Reinveting

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    20世纪80年代以来,西方各国为应对经济全球化、信息化,国际竞争日益加剧的挑战,相继掀起了“政府再造”浪潮。而在全球化不断加速和经济社会高速发展的今天,中国的经济运行方式和社会管理体制正在发生巨大的变化,社会各类问题不断凸显,原有的全能政府管理模式在许多方面已不能完全适应社会发展需要,这就要求我国必须构建更加科学、合理、有效的治理模式。 检验检疫部门作为政府机构的重要组成部门之一,受到传统文化、固有政治体制的影响,检验检疫的组织理念、管理、运行等方面仍存在一系列问题,且近年来随着新情况、新挑战不断增多,公众对公共服务的需求越来越迫切,检验检疫部门治理体系和治理能力的改革和推进也成为大势所趋。...In pace with the economic globalization, informatization and international competition since 1980s, western countries have set off a wave of “government reinventing”. Meanwhile, the acceleration of globalization and the rapid development of economy and society of today have made tremendous changes in China's economic operation mode and the system of social management, many kinds of social problems...学位:公共管理硕士院系专业:公共事务学院_公共管理硕士学号:1392012115043


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    Research on the Development Strategy of Shenzhen South China Logistics Park

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    物流是经济增长的重要润滑剂和重要组成部分,物流业的发展要与宏观经济结构及城市发展形态相匹配。随着经济不断发展,社会分工将不断细化,城市空间布局也趋向优化,居民消费需求将不断提升,物流园区的功能也需要适时转型升级以拓展城市发展空间、促进生产要素优化配置。在此背景下,本文尝试对深国际华南物流园区的战略转型升级进行研究。 深国际华南物流园处于深圳城市的几何中心,经过十三年的建设运营,已成为具备齐全物流配套设施、一流通关环境和专业物流服务的物流公共服务平台。随着深圳市产业升级政策的陆续出台、龙华新区的挂牌成立、北站高铁经济的核心圈层的成熟,相关区域已经由原特区二线关过境交通节点转向华南高铁经济核心片...Logistics is an important lubricant of economic growth and an important part of the economic. The development of logistics industry has to match the macroeconomic structure and the urban planning. With the development of economic, social division of labor continue to refine, urban space layout tend to be optimized, consumer demand will continue to improve, the functions of logistics park also need...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院_工商管理硕士(高级管理人员工商管理硕士)学号:X201315600

    The Development Strategy Research of S Group in Shenzhen City

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    摘要 深圳市S集团公司创建于1958年,前身是S国有华侨农场,历经半个多世纪的发展,现S集团已发展成为以乳业、生物制品、畜牧、林果、肉制品加工为主营业务的农业产业化国家级重点龙头企业。随着深圳市城市化进程加快,S集团土地资源、区位、政策等优势将更加明显,发展前景更加广阔。但是在新形势下,S集团如何抓住城市化战略机遇,进一步激发企业活力,依托区位优势、资源优势、产业优势,加快体制和机制创新,通过资源整合和产业结构调整,推动和实现农业产业化经营,增强集团竞争能力,实现企业可持续发展,需要重新审视和梳理集团发展战略。 本文在战略管理理论的指导下,通过综合分析国内外农业产业化发展情况,针对当前...Abstract S group in Shenzhen City is founded in 1958, whose predecessor is a state-owned overseas Chinese farm. After more than half a century of development, S group has developed into a national key leading enterprise of the agricultural industry mainly in dairy, biological products, livestock, fruit, and meat processing business. With the accelerated process of urbanization in Shenzhen, S grou...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院_工商管理硕士(高级管理人员工商管理硕士)学号:X201415617