4,029 research outputs found

    Information and Communication Technologies and Informal Scholarly Communication: A Review of the Social Oriented Research

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    This article reviews and analyzes findings from research on computer mediated informal scholarly communication. Ten empirical research papers, which show the effects and influences of information & communication technologies (ICTs), or the effects of social contexts on ICTs use in informal scholarly communication, were analyzed and compared. Types of ICTs covered in those studies include e-mails, collaboratories, and electronic forums. The review shows that most of the empirical studies examined the ICTs use effects or consequences. Only a few studies examined the social shaping of ICTs and ICT uses in informal scholarly communication. Based on comparisons of the empirical findings this article summarizes the ICT use effects/consequences as identified in the studies into seven categories and discusses their implications


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    處身於科技資訊氾濫的所謂 後現代 、 後殖民 時期,香港人的生活無不被流行文化所包圍。然而,我們對流行文化的認識有多少?它的價值又是否足以引領我們向進步的道路邁進?這是很多現代文化人的困惑。香港無論在地理或文化上,都處於中國大陸的邊緣位置。香港的專欄文學也一直徘徊於文學神聖莊嚴的殿堂內外,越趕不前,其地位備受爭議。本文的目的,就是希望檢討香港報章專欄小品的定位問題。在檢討的過程中,有需要將專欄小品的文化價值聯繫到香港文化的獨特背景,作更宏觀的研究。此外,也會嘗試利用統計的方法,來歸納本港專欄文化的現狀和困境。在綜合分析的時候,本可以發現很多技術性的問題,如專欄版面的變動性及受政治勢力影響的傾向性,也進一步暸解到香港報章專欄文化的復雜性和多元性。論文的最後部分,將嘗試運用 後現代主義 和法蘭克福學派的 文化工業 的角度,評價本港的專欄文化的內容題材及形式態度,希望能喚起更多人對本港文化尤其是報章專欄文化的注意和尊重。以下首先從後迫民主義的角度,闡述香港的歷史和文化的困境,如何造就香港報章專欄文化的興起


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    Expressions of Visual Tension on Poster of Performing Arts

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    [[abstract]]Whether it is in the expression format or from aesthetical concern, modern arts seems to be in the trend of pursuing visual tension. A good design for performing arts poster must possess both transmitting function and aesthetical values simultaneously, especially with a kind of mixing in tension and athletic feeling for visual expression effect. Simply put, these are relative contrasts for each word and image element within the composition of picture, in addition to various interactions interplayed from standpoints of conflict, balance, fusion and disintegration. People can acquire the dynamic visual effect from still and static state of the picture itself. Therefore besides instantaneously still frames during athletic events, the balance and contrast are also the causes for creation of dynamic feelings. If following interpretations and theories from Gestalt psychology in principles for tension and movement, the whole idea was anchored on the assumption to destroy the visual balance of humans so as to trigger instinctively balancing tendency from human as result. This research therefore intends to apply these tension concepts unto the playbill design to enhance the transmission aspect of it, and the aestheticism. Lastly this research summarized into the following three categories for conclusion: (1) Through documentation exploration, this research summarized in concrete fashion regarding the occurrences for visual tension. This is determined and triggered by positioning, coloring, outer shape and movements, etc. Nevertheless those are responsible of generating the sources for each and every tension residing at consciousness level. Thus, the inducement of visual tension for any layout can be properly arranged to produce guidelines for contrast and coloring demands through the balancing quality for static display, and dynamic feeling for dynamic tension and the emotional tension. Amid all of these, the most effective one resides at the tension for picture composition. Even for those pictures lacking dynamics can be rectified through proper cutting and placed at the right location to achieve the effect for visual tension. (2) Through collecting and analyzing Taiwan’s performing arts posters, it came to our attention that there were more than one single cause and characteristic accounting for any posters to possess visual tension. It normally possesses the dynamic and balancing attributes or all three of them. And the expression also exhibits different characteristics as well. For these characteristics to be able to really generate the desired visual tension, it must achieve the unity effect first. And the purpose of this guiding principle for achieving unity resides at having the layout possessing a kind of design through expression of main body with sense of unity in addition to the layering expression of the layout. Therefore this can integrate the overall visual expressions so as to enhance the transmission efficiency for imbedded messages. (3) Through posters creation, it discovers the demands for “balancing” on the picture composition with tension are so vital, even exceeding the anticipation as result. If the playbill’s composition loses the balancing feeling or may even acquires an Instantaneous effect of dynamic and attention grabbing, nonetheless, this attention would not even come close to the esthetics feeling, but also lacks the capability of maintaining people’s attention span. Nevertheless, balancing lacking dynamic feeling would fall flat on It face. Thus, both the dynamic feeling and visual balance exhibit some kind of coexistence relationship in the end, just like the commonly known “balance of terror”. Consequently, this must be handled with utmost delicateness.

    [[alternative]]Convergency of Cinema and Television as a Strategy of Developing Naitonal Film Industry

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    計畫編號:NSC94-2412-H032-004研究期間:200508~200607研究經費:335,000[[abstract]]電影和電視兩種傳播形式的整合與匯流,從兩個媒體初次碰撞之際就已展開,但是直到 1980 年代之後,相關趨勢才飛速進展。相對於美國的「商業式」影視匯流,歐洲的「公 共介入式」影視匯流經驗,不僅兼顧經濟效益與文化目標,更是民族電影工業對抗好萊 塢強勢影響的重要發展策略。台灣正逢電影工業亟需復甦以及公共電視擴大轉型的重要 關鍵時間,影視匯流的政策探討,具有重要性和急迫性。本研究從影視匯流的歷史探討 切入,深入調查並評估歐洲的「公共介入」影視匯流經驗,瞭解影視匯流的實際操作、 效益以及面臨的困難,提供台灣採取適當影視匯流政策的理論和實踐基礎。[[sponsorship]]行政院國家科學委員

    蜚語 (第四期)

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    Garnerings 譯藪 1991-1992

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    This is the last year in which Garnerings will be compiled by third year students. Henceforth the Publication Workshop will take place in second year. The current issue, like its two predecessors, has set future generations of students an enviably high standard. All of us are indebted to the contributors and their translators. I wish this 1992 issue every success.https://commons.ln.edu.hk/tran_garnerings/1003/thumbnail.jp