10,226 research outputs found

    Synthesis of array antenna based on EGMPM and Research on invisible cloak based on transformation optics

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    关于阵列综合问题,减少阵元数目是一个很重要的方向。在以往的研究中,已经有很多方法被应用于这个领域。关于某一类固定频率下的阵列天线的研究已经很多,然而在通常情况下,我们需要一种天线能完成多个天线能完成的复杂工作。对于一般均匀线性天线阵列来说,通过改变阵元的工作激励和相位可以使天线工作在几种模式下,但是这种阵列往往有着很大的孔径和阵元数,这给天线的硬件空间资源带来了很大压力,同时也导致了很大的冗余功率。为了对这类天线进行简化,优化阵元数,我们必须采用一定的方法来增强天线的工作效率(即对天线阵元进行优化)。矩阵束算法(MPM,Matrixpencilmethod)之前很多次被应用于数据处理,信号滤波...For the question of array synthesis, reducing the number of arrays is a very important direction. In previous studies, many methods have been applied in this field. There are a lot of researches on a certain kind of frequency-invariant antenna array. However, under normal circumstances, we need a kind of antenna to complete the complex work of multiple antennas. For a uniform linear antenna array,...学位:工程硕士院系专业:物理科学与技术学院_工程硕士(电子与通信工程)学号:3432014115280

    The Research of Microstrip Reconfigurable Antennas and Microtrip Reconfigurable Filters

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    微带线是微波电路中最常用的一种平面型集成传输线,与波导、同轴线等微波传输线相比,具有质量轻、体积小、价格低廉、可靠性高、易于系统集成等显著优点。 微带天线在通信系统中应用广泛,本文根据微带天线原理和圆极化圆形贴片天线原理,应用PIN二极管状态的切换实现分离单元的连接与断开,获得能够在多种极化方式之间切换的新型极化可重构天线。本文主要设计了两种不同形式极化可重构天线,包括构造了两个分离单元的极化可重构微带圆形贴片天线Ⅰ和构造了四个分离单元的极化可重构微带圆形贴片天线Ⅱ,最后仿真和测试结果显示通过控制PIN二极管状态的切换实现天线在圆极化与线极化之间的切换。 本文另一主要研究是基于微带线结构的...Microstrip line is one of the most used planar integrated transmission line for microwave circuits applications. Comparing with coaxial line and waveguide, it has advantages of light weight, small size, low cost, high reliability and it’s easy to be integrated in system. Microsrtip antennas have been applied in modern communication systems. In this thesis, we construct some separating units on c...学位:工学硕士院系专业:物理科学与技术学院_电磁场与微波技术学号:3312013115283

    Design of Indoor Base-Station Antennas

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    随着无线通信的飞速发展,天线的作用越来越重要,根据应用场景的要求,选择合适的天线类型和结构。当前,无论是基站系统还是移动终端设备,小型化、多功能化、高性能等已成为其基本的技术目标,因此小型化、宽频或多频化、智能化等成为其天线选择和设计的主要内容。对此,微带结构天线是一种较佳的选择,它较易满足此类性能要求。 微带天线的出现将天线的加工成本大大降低,另外微带天线重量轻、体积小可以加工成各种形状,使微带天线在无线通信系统应用中具有优势。微带天线的带宽一般比较窄。怎样提高天线的带宽,同时保持或者降低天线的尺寸,是科研工作者研究微带天线的难点之一。另外,在保证大带宽前提下提高天线的前后比或天线间的隔离...As the important component of wireless communication systems,the antenna type and structure should fully meet the requirement of application scenario. At present, miniaturization, multi-function and high performance are basic technical targets for both the base station system and the mobile terminal equipment. Therefore, miniaturization, broadband or multi-band frequency, intelligentization, and s...学位:工程硕士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院_工程硕士(电子与通信工程)学号:X201122201

    Simulation and Analysis of the Dynamic Range of the Lunar Radar and A New Algorithm for Surface Medium Electromagnetic Parameters Inversion

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    探地雷达(GPR)通过向地下发射高频率宽带电磁波来探测地下物体、地层界面以及地下介质属性和分布结构,被广泛应用于经济建设和军事各领域。由于雷达信号会受到各种电磁和背景噪声干扰,使得接收到的信号不能直接准确地反映地下介质信息,造成对目标检测和识别的困难。特别当处于非理想环境条件下,非目标介质反射信号干扰复杂,目标的反射波很难被识别。在对路面、隧道以及地下等检测时,遇到的地下介质多是层状分布的。人们不仅希望获得各层的深度和厚度,还希望得到各层介质的介电常数和电导率等参数。因此,本文将地表层介质作为研究的对象,研究利用单基地雷达回波反演计算出地表媒介的电性参数的方法。 本文的主要工作和创新包括:1...Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) detects invisible objects, layers, properties and distribution of underground media by transmitting high frequency broadband electromagnetic waves into the ground. It is a non-destructive geophysical technology which has been widely used in various fields of economic construction and military. In practice, the radar signal will be interfered by electromagnetic interf...学位:工程硕士院系专业:物理科学与技术学院_工程硕士(电子与通信工程)学号:1982013115300

    Design of Left-handed Material Units and Their Antennas Based on Irregular/Asymmetric Structures

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    左手材料表现出很多奇特的电磁特性,使其在电磁学、微波和天线工程以及材料学等诸多领域拥有广阔的应用前景。目前,工作于微波频段的左手材料单元结构变化有很大一部分来源于经典的开口谐振环加金属线结构(SRR+Rod),主要以规则、对称构型,一般双负频带窄、损耗大、尺寸也偏大,难以应用于有特殊性能要求和空间限制的微波器件。 本文针对目前微波频段左手材料所存在的以上缺点,提出了不规则及非对称两个系列的左手材料单元结构,即DNA形仿生结构和R形结构。在DNA形仿生系列中,首先讨论了双螺旋左手结构单元,该结构以较小的尺寸在10GHz左右形成了较宽的双负特性频带,并且损耗很低。接着在此双螺旋左手结构中引入交指...Left handed materials show a lot of unusual electromagnetic characteristics, which makes them have broad application prospects in many fields, such as electromagnetism, microwave and antenna engineering, material science and so on. At present, most structural deformations of left-handed material units working in microwave frequency bands derived from the classical open resonant ring and metal wir...学位:工程硕士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院_工程硕士(电子与通信工程)学号:2312013115312

    Preliminary study of regulation technology of wind field distribution on QTT site based on test of equivalent wind field

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    The effect of wind gust on the large reflector antenna is one of the main factors that can affect the antenna performance and therefore, this effect must be minimized to meet the strict performance requirement in the world largest steerable telescope, which is QiTai Telescope (QTT). In this paper, the characteristics of the topography as well as the wind distribution around QTT site have been analyzed and consequently, a technology for improving the wind distribution in an active way has been proposed. Additionally, an equivalent wind distribution test rig for the proposed technology has been built in the lab and the corresponding experiment has been carried out. The experimental data indicated that the proposed technology was a promising tool for regulating the wind distribution for the large reflector antenna and it was found that the proposed technology can significantly reduce the wind speed as well as the wind impact range after the wind regulation has been given in the test. The results in this paper has provided a solid foundation for the regulation of the wind distribution of the QTT site

    The Research and Design of Planar Lens Antenna Based Metamaterial Surface

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    平面透镜天线因为其制作工艺简单、成本低、易于大批量生产、一致性好等优点,有很大的应用市场,越来越受到工程师的青睐。本文主要是研究平面透镜天线的应用,用平面贴片透镜天线替代三维透镜天线,用平面龙伯透镜天线替代三维龙伯透镜天线,仿真和测试结果都比较好,在一定程度上改进了现有的研究成果。 在平面贴片透镜天线的研究上,本文研究了只需要一种贴片单元,只需要改变贴片大小和单元极化方向,就可以获得360◦的全相位相应,而传输系数|S11|只改变2dB。之后设计了一款有96个贴片单元组成的平面贴片透镜天线,内嵌在设计好的喇叭天线口径面上,消除由于大口径面造成的非均匀相位分布,获得等相位平面波前,...Planar lens antennas have the advantages of being simple, low cost, easy to mass pro- duction, good consistency, so it can be used in many applications. There are much more articles about lens antennas from engineers. This article mainly focuses on the applica- tion of planar lens antenna instead of three dimensional lens antenna and three dimensional Luneburg lens with planar patch lens antenna a...学位:工学硕士院系专业:物理与机电工程学院_工程硕士(电子与通信工程)学号:3312012115267