21,542 research outputs found

    GoGlobal Rural-Urban

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    This is a book of edited articles and design projects from five years of collaborative international design projects in developed and developing economies, including China, Thailand, Ghana and Japan. Part One contains articles on initiatives including e-commerce models for developing economies, massclusivity and craft design. Part Two is dedicated to design solutions for China’s rural-urban migration issues, which affect 55 million people a year. The project enhances knowledge about the application of design thinking to national-level issues connecting policy to implementation, extending design activity into large-scale social and economic areas. The book follows an exhibition of design outcomes in London and Beijing (2010). Hall developed his chapter (‘Go Global: Ghana’) from a conference paper given at the ‘International Association of Societies of Design Research Conference’, South Korea (2009) and further expanded as a book chapter (with Barker) entitled ‘e-Artisans: Contemporary design for the global market’ in Global Design History (2011). ‘eArtisans’ researched a proposed e-commerce model linking designer-craftsmen with a global Internet sale and distribution model for African countries. The originality lay in proposing and testing knowledge, through design collaborations, in a combination of e-commerce enterprise models; it was significant in deploying the proposed model in an experimental educational initiative. The research was based on previous experience of design, craft and enterprise projects in Thailand and China, and aligned with a creative economies report by UNESCO (2008). The context was a collaboration at the KNUST, Kumasi, Ghana, where action-based research methods resulted in a case study illustrating cultural transfer. Support and partnership were also provided by Aid To Artisans, the British Council and Africa 53. A vital aspect was the discovery of how an e-commerce model changed design concepts and creative proposals. The GoGlobal project has continued with an edited publication, Designing Social City Experiences (Jin Nam and Hall 2013)

    Public Service Pattern Innovation based on Customer Relationship Management——Take American 311 System as Examples

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    在数字化、电子化和网络化突飞猛进的今天,公民与政府的联系日益增强,对公共服务的需求在不断提高,公民的选择权在不断扩大,政府也在谋求“以生机勃勃的方式将民众带入新的公共行政时代”。当前,利用客户关系管理来组建数据驱动的新型公共服务系统,已成为各国政府回应上述问题的一个重要尝试。例如,美国、英国、加拿大和韩国都纷纷引入了客户关系管理系统,向公众提供一体化、以公众为中心的公共服务。 然而,与其他国家相比,我国公共服务供给模式相对落后,发展进程相对缓慢。政府通常会以“踢皮球”的方法应付公共服务领域内出现的问题。这种做法不仅导致低质量、低回应性的公共服务供给,更影响了政府部门的自身形象和公信力。因此,...With the rapid development of economy and the progress of science and technology, the social public also gradually increased demands for public services. As a result, the world is respectively opened to the public service mode of exploration and innovation. The continuous development of Internet technology, not only makes the public and government is a more direct and open communication, but also ...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:公共事务学院_行政管理学号:1392013115031

    A Research on C Container Line Company’s Grade Pricing Strategy

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    自2008年世界金融危机爆发后,全球经济增长减缓,集装箱运输市场货物运输需求大幅萎缩,而集装箱运力一直保持快速的增长,导致供过于求的现象日益严重。市场竞争的加剧使得市场的价格敏感度提高、运价波动更加频繁。而C集装箱运输公司经过四十几年的集装箱运营发展,在全球市场已跻身前十强,服务产品和服务模式越来越与市场其他公司趋同化,但经营业绩却与同业前三有相当的差距。在市场不景气、供大于求、竞争极其激烈的现状下,要想实现公司减亏直至盈利,必须找到业务关键环节即定价及运价管理进行改革,以快速响应价格敏感且波动频繁的市场变化。 论文对C公司定价策略和运价管理体制现状和问题进行分析,而后采用定性定量分析、层次...After world financial crisis in 2008, global economic growth slowed down, demand in container transportation market shrunk dramatically, while the market capacity grow rapidly , which leads to serious oversupply of capacity. The fierce competition causes customers are more sensitive in price, freight rate fluctuate more frequently. And C Container lines has a 40 years history in containers line bu...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院_工商管理硕士(工商管理硕士)学号:1792011115084

    Research on the optimization of service operation process of C bank retail business

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    随着我国利率市场化的逐步深入和互联网经济的快速发展,银行零售业务也正面临前所未有的机遇与挑战。C银行厦门分行零售业务种类繁多,也更深入的渗透到居民生活中的点点滴滴,给客户带来便利的同时却在服务方式上因为不够快捷高效而给客户带来困扰,由此引起客户对C银行厦门分行满意度的整体下降。论文运用服务接触与服务质量相关理论,结合C银行厦门分行零售业务的自身特点,探寻了服务流程优化的具体方案,以实现客户满意度与C银行厦门分行零售业务发展“双盈”的目的。具体来看,该方案分为两个部分,第一部分,是由服务组织和客户支配服务接触过程,通过提供标准服务、减少服务传递过程中人的因素以及采用预定系统来解决大众金融需求的问...With the gradual deepening of China's interest rate market and the rapid development of the Internet economy, Banking Retail business is facing unprecedented opportunities and challenges. C Bank Xiamen branch retail business variety, and deeper penetration to the residents’ living in dribs and drabs, also bring customers convenience but because of a lack of fast and efficient to the customer probl...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院_工商管理硕士(工商管理硕士)学号:1792011115090

    A Research on Product Improvement of Z Logistics Corporation

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    Z公司作为知名的第三方物流企业,通过定制营销为客户量身打造物流解决方案,形成差异化经营。但在日趋激烈的市场竞争下,与同类企业相比,Z公司的服务产品存在同质化程度较高、优势特点不鲜明的问题;另一方面,在产品的实际开发应用中,高度定制化的产品体系,造成企业处于被动跟随客户的局面,也带来较高的前期开发成本及一定隐性经营风险。鉴于此,本文综合运用文献研究及问卷调查的方式,对不同需求倾向的客户进行分类细分及比较分析;再基于经典营销产品层次理论模型,对Z公司现有产品体系进行梳理整合,通过应用模块化组合来构建可匹配企业内外资源及客户需求的新型产品套餐,以期改进Z公司现有的产品体系。 笔者认为新产品方案较原...Z Company as one of the leading third-party logistics companies provides customized logistics solutions through customization marketing, which helps Z Company to form differentiated business operation. But in the increasingly fierce market competition, compared with similar companies, the advantage ofZ Company’s services is not outstanding enough to distinguish itself from homogeneity. On the othe...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院_工商管理硕士(工商管理硕士)学号:1792012115063

    Design and Implementation of Security Business Management System for a Security Company

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    经过10多年的高速发展,目前面临来自国内证券同业竞争,国外市场证券标准化和流程化的双重压力。证券行业如国内传统制造行业、资源型行业一样面临的竞争不仅是市场资源成本、还有技术、产品、服务的产业深度比拼,更是由证券管理人员思想引领的证券行业顶层变革。在此次变革中,证券公司由原来的“以证券业务现金流为核心”转变为“以证券客户服务为核心”的精准化服务,用相对个性化证券服务和证券精准性营销,替换传统的拼价格争夺市场的野蛮市场拓展方式。某证券公司目前业务管理总结出有如下问题:1、重复劳动;2、管理混乱;3、无章可循。 针对以上问题,某证券公司的证券业务管理系统,基于B/S模式的证券公司业务管理功能的实现...After more than 10 years of rapid development, the current face from the domestic securities industry competition, the foreign market securities standardization and process of double pressure. Such as the domestic traditional manufacturing industries, resource type industry face the competition in the securities industry is not only cost of market resources, and technology, products, service depth...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201123085

    Research on Supply Chain Management Improvement of KL Bus Co.

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    当今企业与企业之间的竞争,已经转变为供应链与供应链之间的竞争。客车行业属于劳动密集型产业,技术门槛较低,产量相对不高,但是零部件供应商数量众多。KL客车作为国内一家知名的客车企业,以严格按照客户定制化生产立足,具有很强的生产柔性,但企业供应链运营水平相对较低,已经成为制约企业发展的短板,随着客车行业竞争的不断加剧,提升其供应链管理水平已显得刻不容缓。论文首先描述了选题的背景、研究的方法和内容。其次简要介绍了供应链管理的相关理论。然后从KL客车公司供应链目前运营现状出发,分析供应链运营过程中存在的问题,并对问题产生的原因进行深入分析,针对存在的问题对KL客车供应链管理优化方案进行设计与实施。最后...Today's enterprise and the competition between the enterprises, has been transformed into competition between supply chains. Automobile industry is a large-scale coordinated, and one of the passenger car industry has its own characteristics, passenger car industry belongs to the labor-intensive industries, the technical threshold is low, production is relatively high, but so many parts suppliers. ...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院_工商管理硕士(工商管理硕士)学号:1792013115101