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    Creating the future for a better world

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    WFF is a grant-making foundation, based in Singapore, but for the world. It provides financial support to a number of organizations and programs related to environmental and social sustainability research. Through these programs, WFF hopes to bring forth a wide range of new technologies for the benefit of the current generation and generations to come. WFF is the first philanthropic foundation in Singapore funded by entrepreneurs from mainland China, and is professionally managed by an international team. This not only highlights globalization in the philanthropy sector, but also reflectsthe central status of Singapore in the global philanthropic domain. WFF is a private foundation. It does not raise funds from public, rather it invites public-spirited and influential Chinese entrepreneurs and professionals to join and lend their strengths to accomplish these great undertakings. WFF's motto, "For Our World, For Our Future", reflects its founders' ambitions and aspirations.This report relates to the 5th Anniversary of WFF, remembering and analyzing the most important projects and prizes organized by the foundation and how it has impacted positevely in society


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    企业兼并是重新配置社会资源调整企业生产规模的重要形式也是企业组织形式变革 的重要形态十五大以来国有企业兼并作为国有产权重组的重要形式已成为我国改革的热 点从理论上对企业兼并的动因和国有企业兼并的特点作出说明对于现阶段兼并的健康发 展有重要的理论意义和现实意义企业的产权关系和产权结构是企业制度的基础产权界定 不清是我国企业兼并中的突出问题因此本文选择从产权主要是法人财产权出发研究企 业兼并说明兼并的动因兼并中产权的变动和国有企业兼并的产权特点分析兼并与国有 产权重组的关系以及政府在国有企业兼并中的作用 选题意义国外在公司兼并实务方面有大量文献对兼并的动因也有理论研究和实证 分析形...Merger plays an important role in resource reallocation in society and perfecting scale of production and organization structure in firms;Merger in state-owned enterprises (SOEs)has been a focus of China's reform,as an important form of restructuring state-owned economy.So,a theoretical interpretation of the driving force of mergers and of the characteristics of present mergers in China is of ...学位:经济学博士院系专业:经济学院经济研究所_政治经济学学号:B19961600


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    国有企业在运用兼并这一资本运营方式建立现代企业制度的过程中出现了偏差 ,主要表现在对企业兼并概念的内涵认识不清 ,未严格按照企业兼并法定程序进行兼并行为。分析认为国企改革中只有正确把握企业兼并的意义、内涵 ,并严格依法去操作 ,才能达到应有的经济和法律效


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